Morning all, Aussie here reporting in from Finland today.
Just to let you know that I'm on an extended rest break since my 12K on Sunday. As some of you know my ankle was playing up after Friday's interval fun and although it was okay on the longer run on Sunday it started to twinge a bit from about 10K...
Well - it has been sore since then and is slowly getting better... BUT I'm not going to be running on it for at LEAST another 24 hours... with a 10K race on Sunday I'm really worried I might still be out of action but I'm hoping extended rest will work... Each day it gets less painful so that's a good sign I'm sure!
In other news, I passed my medical with flying colors, with them even having to increase the resistance on the bike to get my heart rate high enough... hehe... VO2 Max levels "indicate a high level of fitness", all body measures are within normal ranges and their advice was to mix up training a bit and do some cross training and core strength exercises...
So - some great news on that front... 6 months of hard work shows tangible results!
Not so good news on the "my ankle tendons are too sore to run on and I'm worried about Sunday"...
Oh well - can't do anything else but rest it up and see how I go!
Happy running folks!