The dilemma... : Morning all, Aussie here... - Couch to 5K

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The dilemma...

20 Replies

Morning all,

Aussie here - don't worry, I haven't run today...

Mrs Aussie pointed out to me this morning that my ankle looks swollen and I must admit it was painful walking down the stairs first thing. I still can't even touch the area between the inner ankle bone and achilles without wincing...

Word can't describe how defeated I feel right now... I know if I run on it tomorrow it might mean I'm out of action for months... not running for even a WEEK has been hell... Quite an emotional morning this morning to be honest...

Why is it that when you finally feel you're getting good at something that you get knocked back down... doesn't seem fair right now... Maybe I'll walk the Zoo course but I can't bring myself to think about that - that would be devastating and worse (in my mind) than a DNF.... I know it's not but I'd be so upset if I walked it I just wouldn't enjoy it...

Hope the rest of you are out happy running... I am not sure I will be tomorrow if I'm honest. I will go to the zoo whatever happens though... With so many other events coming up, I'm worried as it:

1) Hurts to walk on the ankle

2) Still hurts to touch the ankle

3) My ankle is visibly swollen

Probably a recipe for more chronic injury to run 10K on it.... even walking 10K on it probably isn't the world's greatest idea!

Life sucks some times... I miss my run... I hate my ankle... and love you guys... :)

20 Replies
sprynn profile image

Sorry to hear of your ankle problems. I am also off running due to a hamstring pull. After 3 attempts at leaving it a week and then running again, only to go back to square 1, I have now not run for 16 days !! It is driving me nuts and making me feel very tired, but I am determined to get it properly healed. I guess we can only read the blog and hope for improvement soon. Have you tried an icepack on your ankle?

in reply to sprynn

Icing every day since Sunday.. :)

I might go for a bike ride instead today... I am feeling a bit down about it to be honest...

Beek profile image
BeekGraduate in reply to

So sorry to hear of your injury but do take care to let it rest for a while. Cycling should be good, as will swimming. I've just been issued with a special immobilising 'air boot' which makes me look like Robocop. It's massive but very comfortable. First pain free walking since March and they say to expect 18 months recovery time - so please do take care aussiegtc, it's really not worth risking further damage. Have you had any physio advice yet? May be worth a try.

I hope you soon feel better about it all. It's a bit of a b****r and so disappointing - just as you are making good progress. Hang in there and seek alternative ways to keep your fitness up!

I would advise getting it looked at a.s.a.p.

in reply to Beek

Thanks Beek - you're all very kind... I've booked a physio today at 14:00 so hopefully I'll get some answers soon... gotta love private health cover!

AncientMum profile image

Aussie this is such bad news. I'm so sorry for you. Have you had it looked at by anyone yet? If it's still painful to walk on AND tender to the touch AND visibly swollen after a week AND you've being doing all the right RICE stuff, then it sounds to me like a trip to AandE might be called for. You need a proper diagnosis so you can plan how you're going to recover. Grab yourself a copy of the Saturday papers and get Mrs Aussie to drop you off at the hospital. Take care Sweetie and don't you dare walk the zoo course tomorrow, you'll only make yourself miserable and aggrievate your ankle at the same time. Big cyber hugs xx

in reply to AncientMum

Thanks AM... Based on your push, I've booked a physio TODAY at 14:00 (thank you private health cover) and they will have both a chiropractor and the physio available so I might start to get some idea of what's going on...

AncientMum profile image
AncientMumGraduate in reply to

Got my fingers crossed that it's something trivial and easily resolved x

Realfoodieclub profile image

No wonder you feel gutted, I am so sorry. Treat yourself with some TLC and try to keep it in your mind, running is a lifelong pursuit not a couple of hours. One day you will look back at that swollen ankle and remember it taught you to look after your running body.

in reply to Realfoodieclub

Thanks RFC - and I'm sure it'll still be a nice day at the zoo! :) And the ones who will be running will appreciate the ones who can't cheering them on anyway...

Let's see what the chiro/physio says today then eh... onwards and all that...

Beek profile image

Pleased you are seeing someone!

Good luck and let us know how it goes.

Vixchile profile image

Here is hoping you get some good news today about the ankle.

Ullyrunner profile image

We love you too Aussie. Sorry you feel so down but I guess you know really that you need more recovery time. You have been really pushing to increase your speed and distance and I guess your body is having a small rebellion. Even world class athletes pick up injuries sometimes but work their way back. Try not to fret.

GettingFitter profile image

Oh no Aussie. So sorry your stupid ankle is giving you grief. I walked my dog today and tried a couple of little jogs but I know my hamstring is still stuffed so I haven't run since wednesday. It's really hard but I think the zoo will have to be a DNS do not start. It's really frustrating, more so as you've made great progress but don't worry, give your ankle the time it needs to mend and get stronger and you'll soon be back to speedy aussie - inspiring us with your running feats.

Take care and lots more RICE.

TurboTortoise profile image

Oh Aussie this is so, so disappointing and miserable for you, such bad news. I don't think you should even walk 10k, let alone run, with any pain and swelling, it's obviously something more than just a niggle, and as you said you don't want to risk putting yourself out of action for a long time. Good that you can see a physio this afternoon so you will at least get some professional advice and not have to hang around worrying. These things do happen, unfortunately, and you will get through it, but I know that doesn't make it any less of a disappointment.

MrsSparkle profile image

Oh Aussie, I do feel for you, just when you've been going so well. Fingers crossed for a diagnosis and positive prognosis this afternoon.

Lovefood1984 profile image

:( this post me sad when I read it, really hope you haven't done anything too bad to your ankle and I can feel your pain in not being able to run tomorrow. I gather getting into the race wasn't too difficult? If so there is always next year, something to really look forward to x

no-excuse profile image

Oh Aussie, I don't know what I can say that hasn't already been said. :-( Really feel for you buddy, hope the appt with the physio went well for you and hope to hear that you are on the mend soonest! x

karlotta profile image

So sorry to hear about your ankle pain - but very wise to take it easy and rest up - not worth risking making it worse. But I can totally sympathise with how frustrating to not be able to get out there.

misswobble profile image

Shoite happens Aus! I think most of us crock an ankle at some point. It seems a rite of passage almost.

Not that that's any comfort to you now as you're hurting - not just your ankle but because you can't run in your much-looked forward to race. It's a pig!

It will get better though and hopefully in short order. Fingers crossed for you

Burgdude profile image

Good luck with your physio appointment Aussie. Just do what they tell you and keep your spirits up! We're with you!

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