GJ with yet another daft question: Good morning... - Couch to 5K

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GJ with yet another daft question

grannyjudes profile image
33 Replies

Good morning guys

got another for you. As you know my speed ( speed ? sorry meant bumble, damn predictive text :) ) is almost in reverse and I am beginning to accept that at 67 it may never improve much, BUT I do seem able to go distances , the last one was almost 7k, actually quite happy with this and want to stretch it to 10 k by say January, are their many out there like me , just curious that's all

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grannyjudes profile image
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33 Replies
Tomas profile image

I don't know many 67 year olds who can run 7 or 10 km, so I think you should be very proud of what you're doing!

grannyjudes profile image
grannyjudesGraduate in reply to Tomas

I must admit I am especially since I started this journey in mid April after years of hating all exercise ( I still hate stretching and putting on my running bra, ie also known as aerobics !! )

I'm with Tomas - there aren't many 67 year olds who can run 7 metres, let alone 7000 of them so I think you're doing great... Slowly increasing distance to 10K is achievable over time and I think you might find that brings your shorter distance times down...

Having said that, there are plenty of runners who can shuffle along over longer distances and over that distance outpace much faster runners as they simply don't stop... :)

My favourite? Cliff Young... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cliff...

grannyjudes profile image
grannyjudesGraduate in reply to

read it and want to read it again, what a guy !

AncientMum profile image

They do say that as your distance increases, your 5k time increases because you're fitter and stronger. 10k by January sounds good to me GJ. Good Luck :)

grannyjudes profile image
grannyjudesGraduate in reply to AncientMum

not something I ever dreamed of AM back in April x

Fitfor60 profile image

You are doing great GJ Doesn't matter age distance or time if you getting out there you are a runner so be proud. Anyway somehow I have seemed to have signed up for a 10 k on sat ( Agh. Feeling nerves now) I have been following the bupa training plan for 10 k and enjoying it - very straightforward and suits me ? You should have a look cos gives you a structure even if you never plan to do 10 k race. Since I have been going longer distances I seem to have been going slower but sort of now at stage time doesn't matter as much as enjoying run.That's not to say won't get excited waiting for results . I improved my park run time for first few months then seemed to have hit plateau so this might be best -oops meant to say fastest - I can do but hey year ago we couldn't run at all so gold stars for all of us. So best advice I can say it is try to mix up your runs and you might find that the long slow - very slow- ones are the ones you enjoy the best . let's know how you get on

grannyjudes profile image
grannyjudesGraduate in reply to Fitfor60

I shall check out that bupa plan. Did you see Bazza kindly offered to train along side , people so kind, I will do this

grannyjudes profile image
grannyjudesGraduate in reply to Fitfor60

how did the 10 k go fit for

Fitfor60 profile image
Fitfor60Graduate in reply to grannyjudes

It was fantastic thanks Loved it Highly recommend Posted more last night here and on fb

grannyjudes profile image
grannyjudesGraduate in reply to Fitfor60

I dont have much time so often miss posts but will search later, so glad you enjoyed. By way whats your name on fb fitfor

Fitfor60 profile image
Fitfor60Graduate in reply to grannyjudes

I know what you mean about missing posts You could spend all day online so many people on hu. All i really said was how much i enjoyed the distance and was totally amazed at my time Who would have thought us 60+ girls would be doing this AND enjoying it! im Rona Perkins on FB

grannyjudes profile image
grannyjudesGraduate in reply to Fitfor60

Rona Hi , I never realised, sat here grinning like a fool !!!

Bazza1234 profile image


Since I trained for and ran my 14K race using run/walk, I have lost the practice of running 5K non-stop just a little. However I am slowly getting it back. Even though my fastest time for the 5K is 33 mins, I ran it using an easy non-stop pace this morning in 40 mins . I was happy with this because it was the first non-stop 5K that I have run for a while and over the next 7 weeks before we go on another 2 week cruise, I am intending to stretch this out to 10K. I will run 3 times per week - an easy 30 min run, a "fast"5K run at Parkrun and an "easy" long run starting at 5k and increasing by 0.5 or 1k increases each week. I hope to get to 10k non-Stop within 7 weeks -at a slow easy pace. I think that you are actually ahead of me in this at this time-but if you were prepared to wait for me a little over the next couple of weeks, would you care to join this fellow 67yo to get to the final 10k destination. We could compare notes as we progress :)

grannyjudes profile image
grannyjudesGraduate in reply to Bazza1234

love this idea and especially the support, thanks Bazza ( but I am not ahead of you my 7k took over an houtr ! ) Got Alice here at moment will look at this again tonight , but really appreciate

OMG what have I let myself in for !!

grannyjudes profile image
grannyjudesGraduate in reply to grannyjudes

just clarify, if you say 30 minutes is that 30 after your warm up and b4 your cool down ?

grannyjudes profile image
grannyjudesGraduate in reply to grannyjudes

your going to regret me Bazza !! U am going to try a lazy 5k in am, got it mapped out, want to check my time , hoping for 40 minutes, just going one pace and counting in my warm up and cool down in the 5k, does that sound ok for a start ?

Got it mapped out, just around the town so as I wont be tempted to extend as I do when I do country lanes

Bazza1234 profile image
Bazza1234Graduate in reply to grannyjudes

Hi again Granny Judes. Have a look at my other posting yesterday. After responding to your thread, I decided to start a new thread to see if anyone else wanted to join us -and they do!

Re your 30 minute question -yes, all distances/running times assume a warmup/cooldown period before and after.

Running pace will be irrelevant for us - as the goal will be to be able to ultimately RUN 10k at an easy pace , whatever that means to you. You can see what it means to me in my other post -but essentially it means to be able to complete the task at hand EASILY and feel that you could keep going if you wanted to.

grannyjudes profile image
grannyjudesGraduate in reply to Bazza1234

I am glad you started a fresh thread as I was thinking other might like to join but didnt want to steal your thunder. its an amazing idea. Unfortunately I struggle to keep up with posts so will need to go and find the one you posted yesterday. Can you remember want 2run2 who got overtaken by a duck in her early days ? Well we keep in touch but she doesnt post on here as she hated the new format, but if you dont mind will it be ok if I give her heads up on this

My only reason for timing my run in am is to give me a starting point. I do get the idea, that speed is irrelevant but I need to know where I stand at moment, hope that makes sense , I dont intend pushing it, just clocking it

Bazza1234 profile image
Bazza1234Graduate in reply to grannyjudes

Well -you are ahead of me because you have run 7 klm non-stop and I have not. That is quite a feat!

Bazza1234 profile image
Bazza1234Graduate in reply to grannyjudes

Well -you are ahead of me because you have run 7 klm non-stop and I have not. That is quite a feat!

grannyjudes profile image
grannyjudesGraduate in reply to Bazza1234

so Bazza Boy, I have done what a call pre training 5k to give me some kind of starting point and this am did my 1st 30 minute easy run, next will be my 5k at my " fast pace " probably tuesday and then at then at the end of week my long run, My question is where are we going to record this easily to support each other

I am feeling very focused, got you to thank for that , I needed a goal and a plan ,now I got it , I hank you kind sir

Bazza1234 profile image
Bazza1234Graduate in reply to grannyjudes

I think that if we just keep on "reporting in" to this thread, we will basically know where we are all at. Some have already done long runs out to 7K , so you and me have to first of all catch them up on that :) It's good to hear that you are feeling "motivated" - nothing better than a "plan" to keep the motivation up and especially if we progress through that plan. Remember that the ultimate goal is to be able to run 10K non-stop - the "fast" 5ks is just to keep us interested and to stop us from running "slow" all the time.

Bazza1234 profile image
Bazza1234Graduate in reply to Bazza1234

WOOPS! I meant that we should keep on reporting into the other 10K thread

grannyjudes profile image
grannyjudesGraduate in reply to Bazza1234

mmmm could you send me a message on that thread or something as I have no idea where its at

Bazza1234 profile image
Bazza1234Graduate in reply to grannyjudes

Here t'is healthunlocked.com/couchto5...

That's a problem with this site - threads get buried easily!

GettingFitter profile image

10k by January sounds achievable for you GJ. You are awesome!

grannyjudes profile image

Im truly not get fitter, i just bumble along but thank you

Amisnan profile image

grannyjudes I just love you. Wish I lived near you so we could go out for cream cakes!!! Xx

grannyjudes profile image

cream cakes and a whiskey or 2 , that could be my new interest !! and thank you Amisnan, how cool would that be

Maitko2 profile image

AI am 61and want to be like you!!!!!!!

grannyjudes profile image

you peeps are to kind ! now Im off in the flippin rain ( actually like the running in rain ) to get a time on my 5k just for interest, wish me luck

grannyjudes profile image

5k done and after much research :) I found the best place for my phone and music was tucked into my sports bra so I am know Jude and the singing boob !!

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