I started off with C25K back in April, and have just finished my first ever 10K this morning. Really chuffed.
First 10K: I started off with C25K back in April... - Couch to 5K
First 10K

Bloomin' eck bloomin'eck ! Whoa 10k - fab stuff ! Well done, that is a massive achievement, and quite rightly you should be so chuffed with yourself .
Big pat on the back for you, Cheers ! xxx

Fantastic news EB! 10k really is a long way and another huge milestone - high 5!

Wow, that's great! 10k is an awesome distance.

BloomingEck! That's really fantastic. Well done. Bet you feel very proud.

Well done. It's a great achievement!!!!!

thats such a great achievement...well done you

Well done, that's a brilliant achievement.

Well done that's great!!! Congrats - will be there more?
Thanks everyone. The last time I ran (other than for a bus) before this year (I'm 53) was when I was at school. I started the C25K as a way of trying to run some of the Race for Life with some friends and got hooked, much to my absolute amazement.
Yes, hopefully there will be lots more 10Ks, though I am still focussing on getting down to a 30 min 5K, targetting sometime in the next twelve months. It is quite addictive, isn't it?

Congratulations! That's really great stuff!