You may recall, or not, that my running might be limited this week due to me looking after my 5 year old grandson this week. Well true to say no running while he was staying but plenty of other activities, kicking footballs in the park, playing table tennis on the outdoor tables in the park, trying out the fabulous new play equipment at Dinton Pastures down the road, plus mini badminton games in the garden. So keeping active without running.
He is now back with his mum and dad so today I went for a run, I just set off at what i thought was my normal pace and I didn't really look at the 1 km interval times on my Garmin, but just uploaded the details to the Garmin connect site and when I looked at the intervals and totted up the times my 5 km was 31 m 20 s which is only 3 seconds over my PB which was achieved in Dec 2013 so really pleased with that as I have been stuck around the 34 minute mark ever since my PB.
I wonder if it had anything to do with my great bus stop dash the day before. Arriving back from my volunteer work on the bus when it came to my stop the heavens had opened and great torrents of rain were cascading down from the sky's, with some hail thrown in for good measure, so not in running gear as you would appreciate but in jeans and a waterproof Peter Storm (appropriate) jacket I ran as fast as I could from the bus stop to my house which is just short of 1 Km, yes I was still soaked through but I was not too out of breath, not clutching my chest in agony which I would have been before I started C25K a couple of years ago, and I assume not as wet as I would have been had I had to walk all the way. So did the speed run help me get back to near my personal best during my 6 Km run today, who knows! I just enjoy getting out and running.