Booked to run a 10k on Sunday (first race & 10... - Couch to 5K

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Booked to run a 10k on Sunday (first race & 10k-ever)!

jaxmc64 profile image
27 Replies

I've taken the plunge and registered for my inaugural 10k run on Sunday although I haven't especially trained for it; and I blame TurboTortoise/ Tomas / miles -Yonder to name a few along with those fab blogs on running around Richmond Park! Thank you I can confirm I am no longer procrastinating ( my words) and now feel very excited and ready for my first experience of 10k but while running along with others. I have been doing various running up to 4.5 miles twice a week, boot camp & road cycling so hope I have the strength and stamina to do it. I just want to complete it and aim to keep going.

So I am now going for a long slow run without my garmin but with my music, it's stopped raining so no dallying - am I too old to think I can perform well under pressure?!

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jaxmc64 profile image
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27 Replies
Miles_Yonder profile image

Too old? Utter hogwash! You'll do really great! :-) Very, very well done; what great news, that you have a race coming up so very soon! Which race is it?

You've been covering 4.5 miles, so will be fine on race day; the crowds will get -and keep- you going!

Take it nice and steady; don't rush off too fast in the excitement. Take it easy; in the last couple of KM, if you feel you're able, pick the pace up a bit, but don't do it in the first couple, when you'll be feeling strong. Nice and easy out, as quick as you like back in. Listen to your body and what it's telling you. :-)

Depending on how you deal with water during training depends on how you deal with water stations, but my advice would be to take a good look at the course map beforehand and familiarise yourself with the location of water stations; if you want water, position yourself to the left in advance, so you're not diving over at the last minute. At York on Sunday there were water stations on both sides, which was brilliant as in previous races they'd only been on the left. I didn't know this otherwise I'd have stayed out to the right. I prefer to run to the right in races but filter over left well in advance of water stations (lesson learnt the hard way on my first 10K where it caught me out and I had to make a suicide danger dive over to the left!) in preparation. Some races have signs giving warning of an upcoming water station. Not all though. If you don't drink the water, or you don't drink all of it but are hot, pouring it all down you is always an option. 'Heavy Bib Sensation' after drenching yourself in water, takes some getting used to! :D

Arrive nice and early. Better that than having a bit of a panic trying to get there! When you get there, explore the start area as part of your warm-up walk. Just keep walking round - that's what I do, and the same to cool down. Don't be worried about what you look like when stretching after the race; loads of people will be doing it. Again, lesson learnt the hard way; I don't care who sees me doing what bizarre stretches now, but I'll always do them after a race. I won't make that mistake again!

At the finish line, keep moving, for God's sake! And be aware of anyone directly in front of you who inexplicably slams the brakes on for no apparent reason whatsoever!

Thank the marshals - it makes their day! (Speaking from experience!)

And most importantly, and this is VERY important: ENJOY! :-)

Finally, a warning, in all seriousness: there's no going back after this: it's very very addictive and undoubtedly, races galore will follow! :D

Good luck! :-)

jaxmc64 profile image
jaxmc64Graduate in reply to Miles_Yonder

Thanks so much Miles - Yonder - for you're reply and detail - I really appreciate it!

I wrote a much too long response 10 minutes ago which suddenly vanished so I shall just keep it brief this time :)

Your reply got me through my long slow run, start slow finish faster if possible- a bit of a theory practise gap for me here as I have never done a long slow run. It really sounded much too professional for me! So I returned home having set myself an hour jogging - and I achieved that time of running for an hour on my own... which has astonished me because I didn't think I had the perseverance. Ran for an hour and 3 minutes and that was just 5 miles which was a bit disappointing however I've got to add it was lovely staying within my comfortable breathing pattern.

So I believe I can do the Bearbrook Running Club 10k on Sunday and I will cycle my way around the course beforehand although they've got a video of the route from a car drivers perspective on line which was helpful. At the end of the day it's 6 miles and all I hope from myself is to complete it & like you say enjoy it. And all points noted on water stations and walking around b4 hand and warm down exercises- you're a star x jax

paul2014 profile image

Good luck for your first 10k. Great advice from M_Y which I also take onboard as I'm running my first 10k at the end of this month ;) Looking forward to reading all about your run. Enjoy :)

jaxmc64 profile image
jaxmc64Graduate in reply to paul2014

Thanks Paul 2014, ooh good luck to you for yours too x where are you running?

I'll just plan to keep my legs moving - And look forward to the post- run feeling!

Wishing you all the best jax

paul2014 profile image
paul2014Graduate in reply to jaxmc64

Thanks, Jax ;o) I'm running the Middlesbrough Tees Pride 10K on the 31st August. Its the 10th Anniversary of the run so I thought it would be a good time to give it a go ;o)

AncientMum profile image

There is absolutely nothing I ( or anyone else) can add to Miles_Yonder's advice, so I'll just wish you the very best of luck :)

jaxmc64 profile image
jaxmc64Graduate in reply to AncientMum

Awww thanks so much AncientMum, I am bowled over with the helpfulness of MY's experienced reply but place your lovely wishes of luck in my first 10k running pocket - I will need it full to the brim. Jax x

no-excuse profile image

I agree with everyone above! Go and enjoy yourself and let us all know about it when you've done x :-)

jaxmc64 profile image
jaxmc64Graduate in reply to no-excuse

Thank you no- excuse, I like you're name btw! I will do it , get through it, and hopefully come back and tell you I enjoyed myself!

TurboTortoise profile image

I agree with all above as well! You are ready - enjoy it!

jaxmc64 profile image
jaxmc64Graduate in reply to TurboTortoise

Hi TT, you've helped to inspire me along with others and a remembrance for my dad and best friend rip last July and august. Thanks jax x

Rignold profile image

Oh, that reminds me. I entered a bunch of races in a fit of hubris at achieving W4 back whenever. They must be coming up. Hmmm.

If you are running 4.5 miles and doing the other stuff for fitness I am sure a 10k will be a mere bagatelle on the day. Boot camp has done wonders for my stamina, I must say.

Other than that, what Miles said, and best of luck for Sunday. Look forward to your report.

jaxmc64 profile image
jaxmc64Graduate in reply to Rignold

Hey Rignold, I find bagatelle challenging :) really I do!

Thank you for sending good luck they've been added to the running shorts pixie pocket - Irish blood you know! Jax x

misswobble profile image

Good luck with it Jax! Just enjoy it.Take in the sights and sounds and go steady.

jaxmc64 profile image
jaxmc64Graduate in reply to misswobble

Oh thanks misswobble - that's such a good name too! That is exactly what I hope I will do and if I achieve that I will have the confidence to move forward with more va va voom! Jax x

AmberC profile image

Can't add anything more to Mile's excellent advice, stick to your plan and don't get carried away by everyone zooming off at the beginning......a lot of them will be tiring or walking in the latter stages whilst you will still be running to your plan and the if you feeling strong in the last km or so you can increase your pace. Good luck and look forward to hearing how it goes.

jaxmc64 profile image
jaxmc64Graduate in reply to AmberC

Morning AmberC, I took a complete day off yesterday - now feeling recovered for run club this evening, thank you for your support I really must aim to ignore everyone zooming off ( and they will because it is a local running club event) and stay slow and comfortable - I looked at last years results and the average run time for veteran ladies over 45 was 57 minutes and the longest time was 1 hour 15mins; I will be very happy if I am last in with that longest time! And even happier if I have some fumes in the tank to increase my pace for the last km. feeling a little apprehensive but I expect that's usual.

How are you doing after graduating? Enjoying the running or any 'races' on the horizon?

Jax x

AmberC profile image
AmberCGraduate in reply to jaxmc64

Hi Jax, good to hear you sounding upbeat.

I graduated at the end of June, just after my 51st birthday and since then have been concentrating at getting to 5k, I have now consistently been running 4.4 to 5k three to four times a week. I took part in my first 5k race last Sunday & completed it in 34:41.....which I was quite happy with. I have no great ambition to run any half marathons etc. I did say I would be happy at 5, but last week I got to thinking, well 10k might be nice!! So I've been on the Asics website & downloaded a plan that will start next Monday........I've set myself a target of Oct 19th. On that date, there's a Race here called The Bunbury Surf to Surf, you can sign up for 5 or 10k. I'm going to do the 5k, but I'm hoping that training for a 10 will make me a stronger runner.....who knows it might all go pear shaped & I might give up the plan or modify it after a few weeks......but it's nice to have a bit of a structure to work with.

Good luck with your training.

jaxmc64 profile image
jaxmc64Graduate in reply to AmberC

Hi Amber, I really enjoyed reading your 5 k race report and seeing you cross the finish line - great picture and write up!

So you are all the way over in Australia- I it's amazing to all be in touch and hear about running on the other side of the world isn't it;)

Training for a 10k will definitely improve aerobic and stamina for your next 5 k - well done on going for it. I would love to run by the sea so maybe next year for me as the nearest beach is a 2 hour drive from me.

I am trying not to feel nervous about my 10 k tomorrow and although everything is ready on a practical level I am finding negative thoughts creeping in! So am going for a nice dog walk to try and shake off the panic!

Btw I also use youtube ( sons Xbox connected to the TV) for occasional Pilates I hope you get on well with what sounds like a very sensible and structured plan x

AmberC profile image
AmberCGraduate in reply to jaxmc64

Thanks Jax for your kind words. Good luck tomorrow.....I'm sending you lots of positive thought.....stick to your race plan. Let us know how it goes.

Tomas profile image

Wow, good for you, jax. With your training and your 4.5 miles twice a week, 6 miles and a bit is definitely possible. The atmosphere and the whole running with loads of other people thing will see you through the extra 1.5 miles, no sweat. Just take it easy, and I know - know! - that you'll be doing great!

And as Miles said: Just take it easy, enjoy the run, and don't wear yourself out. You will be fine. And then come back here Sunday or Monday and tell us all how well it all went.

All the best! :)

jaxmc64 profile image
jaxmc64Graduate in reply to Tomas

Hi Tomas,

Thank you! I will remember to think about what I know I can do than worry about what I think I can't. And if I sound positive I will be haha - looking at last years results I see they are mostly club runners and racers- shouldn't have done that:)

I am looking forward to it although apprehension is creeping in... and take your words of knowing I will do it and put it in my good luck P Pocket.

What's next on the running calendar then?

Jax x

Best of luck! You're ready for it and just enjoy it! Can't add anymore to the great advice here. Having just done my first 10K a few weeks ago, slow and steady out of the gate is the key thing to remember... and when you cross the finish line (arms up in the air, wide smile, etc!) keep moving... :)

Glad you enjoyed the long slow run - I love them... and as Miles said "slow and steady out" so keep that nice pace you're comfortable with and then "quick as you like on the way back"... go for it - but just enjoy it.. nothing quite like a race experience... :)

GettingFitter profile image

Good luck with your race. Never too old for anything said the 52 year old who ran 10k today ;-)

jaxmc64 profile image
jaxmc64Graduate in reply to GettingFitter

Hi GettingFitter (or is that GotFitter) who ran a 10k today, rural, off road,hilly terrain in under 65 mins - Cor that's great running and a super report! You must be feeling great - what was your pre and post run fuel then?

As for age I laugh when I look back and read Miles-Yonder words of "Too old? "utter hogwash" think that will always stay with me!

Thanks so much for your good luck wishes; added to my run pocket now.

Jax x

GettingFitter profile image
GettingFitterGraduate in reply to jaxmc64

Thanks Jax yes I'm still grinning. No pre run fuel, Post run 2 slices of toast one with peanut butter the other with lemon and lime marmalade and a coffee. Plus water of course. It was hot today

jaxmc64 profile image

Hi aussiegtc, thank you very much, it's really will be the first time to run a 10k and I will aim to approach it as a long slow run - but this time have my arms in the air and smile - I don't expect to have anyone behind me but I will keep going through the funnel!

I didn't realise how supported I'd feel by yours and everyone's responses, it's really appreciated:)

Should I completely rest the day before or run a bit- what did you do?

And well done for singing up for your Kingston run - it looks fab! You're Always positive, supportive and inspiring and another one to blame for my running on Sunday!

Run report to follow sun evening - tarum-ta-rah!

Jax x

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