Try this to test out your balance and leg strength - it is simple and can be done anywhere at anytime - but surprisingly difficult
Balance test: Try this to test out your balance... - Couch to 5K
Balance test

Interesting! Just tried it and standing on my right foot wasn't too bad. When I stood on my left foot it set off the twinge/niggle that I posted about earlier. So I'm not sure if that means this would be very good for strengthening whatever causes said twinge or if it will make it worse. I'll try it for a few days and see. Thanks for posting!

Very interesting Bazza - there's a lot of useful yoga strength in that exercise. Though I would make sure not to hyperextend and lock the supporting knee.

That sounds like pure torture! I might give it a go tomorrow though ... !

Could be the fact that I work standing up or the fact that I windsurf, but it was pretty easy for me......until I shut my eyes. Quite a nice little body control exercise and let's face it, that is what this whole running thing is actually about, ie. making our bodies do what we want them to do in the most efficient manner possible.
Thanks Bazza.

I do this balance thing when I brush my teeth. I started it when I hurt my ankle. I'm getting much better at it now

Now the balancing on one leg easy I can do as many reps as you like for a minute or more each time - sticking my arms out torture as I don't need to stick my arms out for balance.
However shutting my eyes and I start to wobble all over the place.
My Physio stopped me running until I had improved my balance using similar exercise. Back running now, but still can't balance with my eyes shut though.