Hi all, I've completed week one. This is getting serious. Just wondering if anyone can recommend any good headphones. My earbud ones have a tendency to fall out (because I'm running so fast!). Nothing too expensive though! Thanks all
Headphones...: Hi all, I've completed week one... - Couch to 5K

I have the sort that you actually stick in your ear, I need the smallest size silicon bud thing but they do stay in.
These are the ones I have

Got some jvc over the ear type from Amazon. They were 8 quid and they are perfect.
well done on week 1, i got these ones they are a bit bright(come in pink too!) but can't fall out and are comfortable, my ones on wire were forever coming out too!!
well done on week 1, i got these ones they are a bit bright(come in pink too!) but can't fall out and are comfortable, my ones on wire were forever coming out too!!
Thanks guys- I'll get shopping!

I like the hook over the ear type headphones rather than the ones you poke into the ear (which always seem to fall out on me anyway)

I have Relays by Sol Republic....they are in ear headphones but have a clever silicon ear tip thing that keeps them securely in your ear. They are specifically for sport, so sweat & water resistant, have a mic & music control and are very very comfortable. Personally i don't like the over ear headphones, I have tried them before and found that they rubbed and hurt my ears.

Because I sometimes end up on a road and want to be able to quickly and easily take one ear out I don't like the sort that clip over your ear plus I find them uncomfortable nor do I like the ones on a band that go round your head/neck. Trouble is you really need to be able to try these things to see how they feel and fit but you can't
A few cheap pairs of the different sorts if you can and see how you go.
Mine are like the ones that Spoonie uses, and came with my arm band, £5.99 the lot! I really like them, they pretty much stay put, but I can still hear traffic and stuff.

I use these amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00...
They have adjustable arms so they fit in your ear and they haven't fallen out yet!

I use these
Like you I find the bud type fall out all too easily. These fit around the back of the head and also drop down to your neck easily for 'storage' when you take them out.

By the way, you're not supposed to be running fast! You're supposed to be running slowly

I got some £2.99 running earphones from Lidl because my ordinary ones kept falling out. The Lidl ones have stayed in my ears perfectly and the sound quality actually isn't bad either.

I have these £9.99 ones from Clas Ohlson that I am happy with - clasohlson.com/uk/Sport-Ear... . It did make a difference to the enjoyment of running not having to constantly be putting the buds I had before back in.