For a little encouragement...
For all of you Dozz-ville challengers - Couch to 5K
For all of you Dozz-ville challengers
Love it!
Brought a smile to my face ! Thanks
Gearing myself up for swimming and biking on Monday!
I think I might have to take the Dozz-ville challenge so put my name down. I had been trying to ignore it as I will have to do my swim in the sea and I am not very confident but ... you only live once (especially if pulled out to sea by strong currents).
Oh how fab!
Oh Ginbin, I love it, that is sooooo good ! Well done ! xxx
Did my biking this morning before it got humid. I'll probs y do the swim this afternoon at the height of the heat
Ginbin, that's fab. You are now to be titled Second Lieutenant ginbin (publicity div).
What is the dozz-vile challenge?!
It's a challenge where in the last 2 weeks of July that you do 30 min each of running, cycling (fitness bike or a regular bike) and swimming (including just wading in a pool), to get in on it contact dozzer19 and he will sign you up. This is the first year and we have at least 40 members. The activities don't need to be done all at once, but they must be completed by the last day of July.
Thank you