Told by physio, I should give up running! :( - Couch to 5K

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Told by physio, I should give up running! :(

kaza10 profile image
19 Replies

Hi, I started the c25k last October had a few ups and down along the way, had been getting on great when in April once I had completed a 5k race I took a terrible pain in the arch of my foot. To cut a long story short I had to get a CT scan which showed I had a fractured bone which had healed ok, and a few issues with ligament and inflammation. I had a few sessions wth a physio who did a great job on my foot - but she dealt me a terrible blow when she said I have poor biomechanics in my feet and should give it up! During my few months running I absolutely loved it and loved all the benefits it gave me mentally and physically.... Has anyone else experienced/told this? I don't know whether to get a second opinion....

Any replies gratefully received!

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kaza10 profile image
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19 Replies
LightDark profile image

Think I'd feel pretty crappy about that- is it worth getting a second opinion (wothout telling the second one what the first one said!)

Have you run since and how did it feel?

I've had broken toe and ankle bones although i wasnt running then - hope its all healed nicely!

Ray801 profile image

Hi Kaza, that is a disappointing assessment. A second opinion would seem like a good idea although I would not know where or who to recommend aside from seeking the opinion of my GP. I hope you find an answer.

the_tea_fairy profile image

This is probably reckless, but you should read about the fell runner Joss Naylor if you want an encouragement to keep going. He has had three discs removed from his back, has no cartilige in one knee and has broken both his feet over the years. He also ran 70 Lakeland fell tops (distance: over 50 miles) in 21 hours. When he was 70. As a kind of birthday celebration. Because he is that much of a hero.

ju-ju- profile image

I would see a sports Osteopath ( I am seeing one at the moment) as I think he would say its a question of being trained and strengthening all the weaker places...I think that advice was clearly from someone who has no understanding of the need to run..... Please keep us posted...

paul2014 profile image

Oh no! I would look to get a second opinion just to see what another professional has to say.

danzargo profile image

That sucks - but I would get a second opinion. I believe that things can be fixed with the right regime and careful management. Don't take this as gospel until you have a few medical opinions.

And do please keep us updated cos this is an interesting post.

Pollypanda profile image

I would definitely recommend a second opinion, and from a podiatrist, as they specialise in feet. I have flat feet and an old tendon injury in my right foot so your physio would probably consider me to have poor biomechanics as well!

My podiatrist never told me to stop running, he made me orthotic insoles and showed me foot strengthening exercises to do and it's made my running so much easier.

Keep us posted. I hope you're given some more positive news.

If you want to run (and you do!) then a second opinion will help. People who run understand the desire to run and I am pretty sure that there'll be a way to make running work for you longer term... Don't let one view of "oh well, don't run" dishearten you too much - there are loads of people on here who had been told not to run and they do...

I hope you get some better views soon... try to stay positive!

kaza10 profile image

Thank you all for your helpful and positive suggestions, it has certainly given me hope! Yes I will book an appointment with podriatrist to get another professionals opinion - will keep u posted! :)

AncientMum profile image

Really hope your podiatrist is more sympathetic to the need to run. Good luck

Miles_Yonder profile image

If someone of that order told me to stop running, I'd be getting a second opinion as soon as I could! It seems a very severe and harsh thing to say to someone, when there are people out there running with absolutely enormous health issues and setbacks along the way and they keep going. You clearly love running so I'm sure you'll find a way, but my advice would be DON'T give up. Get a second opinion and don't put those running shoes away! :-)

AnnieW55 profile image

A second and possibly third opinion may be needed! The people you see need to have running, or sporting, inclination/expertise as they will understand the situation more than a general foot person (no disparagement to 'general' foot people intended). As has been said, it may be a case of changing your gait, or insoles, or just a different type of shoe. Very best wishes for getting the outcome you desire.

GoogleMe profile image

Seconding everything said.

Bottom line is, it is your body and health professionals should be giving you information and you decide. It sounds a bit lazy to just say "Don't run" - sometimes that's code for "I'm bored now" or "I don't want my work ruined". It could be that you can't achieve goals you hoped for or that the kind of running your body can accommodate may not fit other aspects of your situation (eg you may not be able to get somewhere you don't have to run on a hard surface) but it does seem there is plenty more to explore at this stage.

Realfoodieclub profile image

I'm in agreement with the second opinion. The podiatrist can help with the feet but may not be able to give you strengthening stretches. Have a look for a specialised sport therapist physio as well as they are all usually from a background of exercise and really understand the need to want to keep running. Good luck and take care.

Bazza1234 profile image

There are specialties within specialties. When I spoke to my GP very early on in my running "career" . he started quoting the oft repeated figures about heart rates for various ages ( the standard formula) . He had no idea of the fact that these figures came from a study which was conducted over 40 years ago and which the medical fraternity have since adopted as though it was written in stone by Moses himself.

I think you need advice from somebody who specialises in runners problems.

Nerdio profile image

I have been to see Physio's and Osteo's, and they all do a great job. I would have to say though that my Osteopath's approach is very different, and he has really sorted out my long-term problems. My Physio does a great job of unlocking those tight spots, and loosening me up. It was my Osteo who got me some decent orthotics, and got me running again.

Go for a second opinion, but an Osteo this time.

Fingers crossed for you.

sprynn profile image

I would see a foot doctor for a second opinion. My husband was told by a Physio he couldn't run but after a bit of rest and starting back slowly, and on the say so if his foot doctor, he is fine. good luck!

kaza10 profile image


hi everyone! thank you for all your helpful replies! Well I saw a podriatrist this morning and he more or less said the same thing as my physio :( He said I had a lot of issues going on in my foot and didnt think it was a good idea to go back to running, he said i should take up swimming. He said some people are built to run i.e when he is driving he sees people gliding along and then there are some he feels like telling them to stop. He said running is very hard on your feet/joints/back... I feel he is a bit like my physio - anti-running - I have an appointment with my GP in a few weeks so I will ask his opinion (he walks with a limp after a car accident and he runs!). So im hoping he will give me some hope!

Butler74 profile image

Don't give up yet....I had a sore foot last year when I started running and then at the same time managed to break the base of my little toe on the same foot. Took a break from running for about 5 months. Returned to running pain free. I have recently discovered where there are lots of exercises on strengthening your body for running. If you pay you can access more exercises and articles on running and how to prevent and remedy running injuries. Good Luck

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