Did my first parking today in Shrewsbury with my two children. I felt confident to run in public because of completing the c25k and the organisers were very welcoming. My time was around 40 minutes as I was expecting, but I kept a steady pace throughout and wasn't burnt out at the end.
First parkrun: Did my first parking today in... - Couch to 5K
First parkrun

Nice one - I am totally in love with parkrun today - well done!!!!
Very well done. How nice to run with your children as welll !

Congratulations on running your first Park Run (the first of many?) and what a great way to mark it by running with your children. Well done

Well done. You must be so happy, especially sharing it with your children.

Fantastic well done and how lovely to have your kids out there running with you

He He -- I'd like a Dollar for every time a c25k Graduate does their first parkrun and does it in about 40 mins !! That was about the timing of my first run -- in fact I think it was 42 mins. Got it down to 33 mins now - but I don't think I will be bringing it much down from that. I am at almost puking and having a heart attack stage to get to that number
My run yesterday was 22 seconds more than my PB -- Bummer! , I thought when I got my Parkrun email. But upon reflection, that is only 4 seconds per klm difference . How hard is it to pace your running to within 4 seconds each klm you do??? Damned hard!!!!
I'm going to try heart rate zone training this week to try and be a bit more objective. Got a really cheap watch on the eBay Argos outlet. My resting is 65 and my max sprinting as hard as I can doing intervals is 221.
I have used my HRM quite a lot over the past 3-4 months - not necessarily to train in the various HR zones but more to be able to determine my physical exertion levels which match those different zones. To that end I have 4 zones which I can now recognise physically and don't need the HRM to tell me when I am in them . Zone 1 is EASY -- this is the conversational zone where I can freely talk while running. I recognise it by the fact that I can still breath in and out through my nose while running (more or less the same as when I am walking) .Zone 2 is MODERATE - I can no longer breath through my nose but can breath easily and rhythmically with long 4 beat breaths in and 4 beat breaths out . I believe I am still in the aerobic zone at this time. Zone 3 is HARD -- I am on the edge , maybe even entering the anaerobic zone with this and I need to breath deeply and concentrate carefully on my breathing - I am probably around 80-90% of my MHR here and I cannot do this for too long - I usually am in the final 1klm of Parkrun in this zone . ZONE 3 is VERY HARD - flat out sprinting in the final 200 metres of Parkrun , after which I have to be careful not to throw up!!! I can't stop dead after this effort and have to continue jogging/walking fast for about 5 minutes before I can regain my composure to talk
I recognise that going to throw up feeling....first few weeks of c25k were like that for me. I am going to start doing 1 session a week where you run until you hit 75% and then walk until down to 65% etc with the idea that you keep on doing it until you can run for 20 mins within that zone and then extend it. I'll post about how I get on.

Thanks for posting about your park run. It's great to hear of others experiences before I jump in myself and really pleased you had a good time.