(Saturday) Some might say I'm a stingy, miserly, penny-pinching, avaricious, frugal ... Northerner but come on - £4.20 to swim at the local pool - it's not even warm! Maybe I could lie about my age. Training may have to be done at the local paddling pool unless Corporal scruttons (phys ed div) can smuggle us in with the learners.
Have tried out the red onesie made specially for me by Captain poppypug (ents and haberdashery div). I look pretty good (the Lycra helps). The Brylcream quiff came out a bit haphazardly - may have to alter style for next time. They do an Aqualift class! (Would have been good for getting out of the pool.) Did achieve target distance must just work on time scale.
Not the fastest/slowest, fattist/thinnest, tallest/shortest so I didn't look too out of place. (Apart from the onesie, that is.) Here I am in the pool - you can spot me because I'm the one who looks in control.
DW Sport has a £28 for 28 days taster offer. Given the price of swimming I might sub up the £28 and practise for the challenge there.
I must say Lieutenant Spoonierunning gets my vote for consistency of training - what a star!