Just completed run 3 this morning and must say I'm chuffed to bits. I really thought the jump from running 8 mins to 20 was nearly impossible but I DID IT!!!!!!!!! I'm not saying it was an easy run but wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. The first 8 mins were OK then I really struggled for about 4 mins had a quick look at my phone and only had another 7 to go so there was no way I was stopping. Off on holiday for 2 weeks tomorrow ....can't see me running in 35 degree heat but packing my trainers just incase!!!!!
W5R3: Just completed run 3 this morning and must... - Couch to 5K

Congratulations it's a great feeling isn't it. It think that run is the real turning point.
Oooh enjoy your holidays - early mornings perhaps!
I've just noticed your name - Clare - it's nice to see someone else that spells is correctly from another Clare (did you know it's actually the masculine spelling?)
Hey No I didn't know that lol - not many spell it this way ....was quite an unusual name when I was young but quite popular now ....... Not really an early bird on holiday but really got the running bug now so you never know - even if I don't mange any runs in the next 2 weeks I will pick it back up again when I get home - I will defo be able to run 5k by end of August or sooner

We all knew you could do it! It's good for us who have Graduated to be able to say we told you so. It's amazing isn't it! You must be well pleased with that
Keep up the good work

Well done! It does seem impossible, running for those 20 minutes, but it's more psychological than anything else. You've got through it, congratulations!
Enjoy your holiday; hope you find a great running route!

Congraulations - as others have said W5R3 is the turning point where 30 mins running actually starts to look achievable. Now give yourself a pat on the back and go and have a good rest, and enjoy your holiday. It might be worth running in the morning to avoid the heat when you're away - it'll be a change of scenery and a good way to explore the area, and you dont have to feel guilty about the holiday indulgences!
There is actually a running track at the hotel so maybe do a couple of laps just to keep my stamina up

Congratulations Clare! Wishing you a great holiday Hopefully you'll get some use from the track. If not you'll be able to resume the pyogram wherever you like.
Congratulations! Enjoy yr hols