I know of a number of people who tell me that they run daily, but if anything, these course teaches you to take a days rest in between runs therefore my question here is what is the impact of switching to daily runs? Are those other people making a mistake in running that frequently?
Running after you graduate: I know of a number... - Couch to 5K
Running after you graduate

Yep! No need to run every day. Moving up to four runs a week nearly did me in so I dropped it back to three. I am 90 though!
Only kidding!
Seriously, if you are a new runner, you definitely need the rest day to allow your body to rest and repair itself. I can't speak for seasoned, experienced younger runners but I think generally speaking on here we are new or returning runners
Thanks misswobble. I would have been very impressed if you were doing all this at 90!

No, unless these people are beginners.
It takes a fair amount of time before the body is able to cope with daily running and foregoing rest days early on is multiplying the risk of injury.
How are you getting on with the programme?
I have just started week 9 so only 3 more runs to go...
I would strongly urge anyone doing the C25K to only run when they are supposed to. Daily running is not a good idea at this stage, and it is really, really important to take the rest days. I hate resting, but it is soooo important.

Speaking from personal experience, when I went to daily training, I injured myself. I now train every other day. That rest day is important. Even some of the advanced training programs by BUPA and runner's world have rest days programmed in.

Unless you are already pretty fit and used to sustained exercise, I would recommend, at most, alternating days. Once you graduate you will probably want to work on speed or distance and you will still be testing your body's limits so give yourself a break and always have a rest day. I thought I was a superhero after I graduated and actually increased my distances and duration by more than the recommended 10% and suffered lower back pain. I have done months of core strengthening exercises to pretty much eradicate the pain and am now much more cautious. I thought I was pretty fit, but learned otherwise. You would be better off doing your core work on your "rest" day and build up the strength required, especially for distance work. I have read about C25kers doing "too much too soon" many times over the past year. You have a life time of running ahead of you, so why rush, and not being able to run because of injury is very frustrating.
Good luck. Keep running, keep smiling.
Thanks for the advice. There is a lure in wanting to just get out there and do it, but I will keep the rest days for now.

The muscles need up repair and build, I would suggest only very experienced runners can do that without sustaining injury... I have on occasion run3 days in a row but I wouldn't recommend it... I'd do something different on your rest days like swimming or cycling? Good luck
Isn't cycling just going to work the same muscles as well? I realise there is less jerking on the body as a whole but aren't you still risking muscle injury?