Wow - as if C25K didn't push me enough, B210K is like doing it all over again... Muscle aches and pains, out with the Biofreeze Gel and the cold patches for the thighs and knees again... It's a whole new world stepping up to double the distance.
C25K has taught me to "slow down" and to understand "pain vs soreness" so I feel confident I can do this while taking care not to get injured. For example, I know now that walking for more than 5 minutes to cool down can actually help my muscles be less sore, that keeping them gently moving works wonders and that milkshakes are the BEST thing EVER after a run...
I thought going back to intervals would suck - and it does, but after 4 x 10 mins with 60 seconds walk in between each, I have noticed I am quicker to recover, faster in the intervals, my resting heart rate has dropped 5% and my stamina is already at the point where a 40 minute run (with only 3 mins walking) isn't tiring me out too much... who would have thought?
I have also noticed my 1km split times coming down which is surprising me so maybe this "interval and long run" training making 5k times faster theory works... will have to try a Parkrun again in a few weeks to see...
So - next week is 3 x 15 minutes with only 2 minutes walking between intervals... <gulp>
My personal goal of "10K in about an hour" seems achievable but I need to take this slow and easy... happy running everyone... whether you're on week 1 or week 234 - enjoy it out there!