My first run without Laura tonight - I ran with a playlist of my 'dancing around the kitchen' tunes and wow!! I was so busy enjoying the music that I got straight into a comfortable pace and just enjoyed running : ) I am a bit concerned that C25K has created a monster though. It's wet and windy on my arrival home from work, I try to sit down with a cuppa and convince myself that I don't NEED to go for a run as it is only 2 nights since the last run, but 'oh no' say the running legs 'you are now a runner' and out for a run we go! Laura has a lot to answer for.....
The Dawn of a new Era......: My first run... - Couch to 5K
The Dawn of a new Era......
she has indeed, never thought in a million years Id get so addicted
Absolutely! Never thought that would be me! Happy running!
Haha! Welcome to the addicts club!
Yep, I have to say it caught me off guard! Having been concerned throughout most of the runs that (a) I was going to die at the roadside or (b) I was never going to walk in the same way again - it is a real shocker to find that I can't go more than 2 days without a run. Now Laura doesn't warn you about that does she? Little minx!
Agree with all the above.
Absolutely right I am a recent graduate and now run every other day and hate it if my running routine goes wrong. I get lost in my music and seem to de-stress and empty my mind whilst running- having my iPod on shuffle makes me think "which song will be up next" and on some i wonder why on earth did I download this song! Must sort out a running playlist!
Yep, woe betide anyone who gets in the way of my running routine - and don't I love it being able to say 'running' as opposed to the slightly-faster-than-a-tortoise jog that I did until week 7!! haha I did have one of those 'what on earth?!' moments when a really slow song came on that I didn't remember putting on the playlist. But I just went with it and slowed the pace down. I think maybe my subconscious knew that I would need a bit of a break from the fast tempo and sneaked it in when I wasn't looking ; )
I did my first run without Laura last night. I convinced myself I wasn't going to bother, had to wait all day for hubby to get home to watch the kids then it was pouring with rain. I was twitchy staring out the window then just thought I can't relax until I've done it. I really enjoyed my first graduation run.