Great sense of achievement in running for 20 mins non-stop but max heart rate went to 190 and average was 157. Should I be worried? Having never really been able to run before I`m trying to get to 3 miles in 27 mins before I'm 52 which is 4 weeks away. Loving the programme but was really apprehensive before today but I surprised myself. I'm tracking my progress(?) in a spreadsheet and before today trends were improving ie expending less calories per mile. I run on a treadmill with an incline of 2 so am hoping I will cope with the great outdoors once I've finished.
Week 5 run 3 - Done. Ran at 6.8 mph for all bu... - Couch to 5K
Week 5 run 3 - Done. Ran at 6.8 mph for all but the last 2 mins where I dropped to 6.3mph. Very high max heart rate 190 should I be worried
Well done for completing wk 5 and now you are running 20 minutes might be worthwhile trying the great outdoors sooner. I run along a canal towpath which is flat scenic and very long!! I throughly recommend it, it's great for eating those miles up by the beautiful distractions! Good luck with whatever you decide and hope you achieve your 27 soon
I did a gym assessment once and my heart rate got to 200-210 and I asked the gym instructor the same thing and he said I'd be fine, but to be honest I was 18 at the time. Probably doesn't help, but I don't think you should be overly concerned
Oh dear. I was feeling really good after my run today but you have well and truly pricked my bubble! Your time is amazing. I have no idea about heart rate except that there is some complex mathematical formula to do with youyr age which supposedly tells you what your max should be. Since all these medical guidelines (especially those about what to eat and drink) are getting overturned every day, I personally take no notice. But I did have a medical to check my heart was in good nick before I adopted this attitude.
I think you should go and get it checked out by your GP - at least then you know there aren't any problems. Different people have different heart rates, recovery rates etc. so no one can say that's right or wrong just looking at numbers, but your GP will do tests if necessary and then you will feel reassured. All the best
Thanks all. I did have a health assessment before Xmas that included an ECG and there were no issues there so I think I'll ignore it as there isn't any pain. I certainly found the 20 mins tough but think I'll try week six and see if the max drops again
Wow! that's a cracking pace! I'm one run ahead of you and by my calculations am not doing more than about 5mph. I also run along a canal towpath, through a nature reservation in fact, and hugely recommend getting out into teh great outdoors. I do gym cardio sessions as well but all my running is outdoors. Makes it much more enjoyable.
I set my walk pace at 4mph so with the 10mins walking each session it brings the average down overall to about 5.3 so far. Interesting that the overall miles was 3.1 today in 35.5 mins (I add 1.5 mins at 2.5mph and 1.5 mins at 1.5 mph to really recover after Laura's 5 mins). This programme certainly seems to be working but not being an experienced runner I don't feel I know what a steady pace is - hence I use a treadmill. Hopefully I can do the course and hit my target then take it outside and enjoy the countryside. Tree pollen seems bad at the moment though and running outside wouldn't be as enjoyable with hayfever
There are a number of different formulae that calculate your max heartrate.
Hope this helps
My max is always 180-190 and averages the formula my max should be 172. So long as you feel fine (no chest pain, not on the verge of collapse) I think you're fine... The formulas are "one size fits all" and not generally reliable... Do what's comfortable for you... Sometimes tempting to get locked into analyzing numbers. 20 years ago we didn't have this tech and people still ran!
Having said that - if you're in any doubt then seek medical advice! Before any programme we all should really... That's the only way to be sure for YOU that its okay. My view is in no way medical advice!!
I had a proper stress test a few years ago so I have no issues pushing hard as I know there's nothing dodgy with my ticker...