Hi = 9 weeks ago I could not run to catch a bus... I have just turned 49, never run in my life and I saw an email at work back in March that mentioned something called couch to 5k. I had never heard of it. I don't know why, after all these years, I decided it was time to learn to run but two days later I took my first steps, and nearly died running for 60 seconds at a time, and thought I could never do this. I am overweight and part way through the course, I wore "flat" shoes - flatter than flat - for a couple of days to work that made my left ankle hurt. Binned the shoes, and continued to run and overcame the pain in the ankle. I have rather amazed myself by finishing my 9 week programme today. Wednesday I even got up at 5am to get run two of the week in before I went to work! I am insane hahah... Anyway - here I am, finished, and rather pleased with myself. I have not run a total of 5k yet, being slow, but I have done the 30 mins as Laura promised.............feeling a bit pleased with myself
Finished!!! :): Hi = 9 weeks ago I could not... - Couch to 5K
Finished!!! :)

Many congratulations! You certainly should feel proud of yourself. Look forward to seeing the graduate badge next to your name. I'm just coming up to the end of week 6 and like you I can't believe the progress I'm making. I'm still shocked that this overweight and unfit body of mine is doing what it's doing on this programme!
Reading your post makes me even more determined to make it to the end. Well Done on your achievement!!

JeanieL you are a superstar! Many many congratulations indeed! Be smug, be delighted - and don't stop now
Thank you - I am stopping for 2 weeks (holidays) but then will put my running shoes back on again as soon as I am home again
Ah well done Jeanie! I too am a 5am riser... we must be mental - but in a good way! Congratulations again! x

Well done, I cant wait to join you !!

Well done! And what a fantastic way to hit being 50! I am nearly 48, and I wanted to be in the best possible shape when I hit the dreaded five zero, and we will be! You should be very pleased indeed!


Fantastic, well done to you! It is an amazing programme isn't it. All of us who thought we could never do it! Well done on your achievement and enjoy your running x
this is going to be my motivation. I quit after week 3, and have been needing a reason to start again, thanks and well done on your success!

A BIT pleased with yourself! You should be very pleased with yourself! Will you keep running now that you've started?

Hey!! Well done! Whoop! Whoop! Time to celebrate and enjoy your achievements. Have a lovely holiday and don't forget to pack your trainers!- just in case`! A huge congratulations to you!
Well done and congratulations on your graduation. You deserve to be pleased - after all, you've put in the time and effort so now it is time to reap the reward. Enjoy your badge and your success, you've earned it. Have a wonderful two weeks for holidays, good luck with your post graduate running and very best wishes.

A massive well done Jeanie ! To me , this is what this programme is all about , youre an inspiration You should be so proud of yourself you have done amazingly well . Good luck for your future runs , and wear that badge with pride , you deserve it
That is awesome! Well done to you! You rightly deserve to be so proud of yourself

Fantastic well done. I am just about to start week nine and can't wait. I'm 48 and overweight and run slowly but all I know is it's better than I was doing 9 weeks ago

Well done JeanieL....brilliant!
You have every right to feel pleased with yourself. Great achievement and happy holidays.
This makes me so happy to read knowing that is does get easier. Well done you! W2r2 for me in a couple of hours after work

Brilliant well done. Laura has got so many of us to do what we thought was impossible. Beware - it is addictive. :-))

Congratuations! I totally understand your journey and the smug feeling that you have now..... Very similar story to my own.. Keep at it, pressures off now and you can enjoy giving yourself new little targets... (speed, longer distance, parkruns etc) its fun!

Congratulations - it's such a great feeling.
Wow, what a great story. You have done really well. How wonderful to change your life at 49. I am inspired by you getting up at 5am. That, for me, would be just as impossible as running 5km! I am 53 and although I am just about managing to puff and pant my way along for 28 minutes or so, it is very hard work, and I am really feeling all my aching bones and muscles. It's not easy at all, so, very well done!
Congratulations! Happy running!