Hello, I’m up to week three run 2, I started the program to help with weight loss and so far have only run on the treadmill to build my confidence (I actually cried the first run as I never imagined I could even manage to run) I still have a LOT of weight to lose and found week three much harder with the 3 mins but stuck it out & was pleased I kept going. I’ve actually booked a 5k in November (Supernova Kelpies) and am going to start doing my runs outdoors to get practice (is it easier or harder outside?) anyway advice on any kit would be good, what’s essential rather than faddy - socks? Proper running shoes are they worth the expense and having the gait assessment?
Hello, new to running - advice on kit - Couch to 5K
Hello, new to running - advice on kit

I’m 5”8 and weigh nearly 17 stone I did my first run outside today and felt great after, did have to avoid the bin men though as felt a little embarrassed lol I can’t help with the kit side of things but there is lots of advice on here!! Good luck with your outdoor run 👍

I would definitely advise going for gait analysis it wont be an additional cost but the resultant shoes will cost more than supermarket trainers. However they will prevent all sorts of problems with knees and hips. Comfy clothes you feel happy in, read somewhere you are or environment feels 5deg warmer when running. Haven't looked at your profile Sam if female get proper sports bra fitted. Outdoors is fantastic,

I think gait analysis and proper shoes are worth the money as they will help prevent injury. You don’t need to buy the latest shoes and you might get an appropriate pair that are last season’s which could be cheaper. If you’re a female Sam then a good sports bra is really worth buying. Running socks aren’t too expensive and if you’re trying shoes try them with the socks you intend to wear.

Yes definetly get your gait assessment done and buy decent running shoes, they make all the difference. There’s loads of kit to choose from out there, a decent bra too (if needed)!! But shoes are the key 👍

Welcome to the forum and well done on your progress.
This guide to the plan is essential reading healthunlocked.com/couchto5... and includes a link to a post about running shoes.
Especially if you are carrying extra weight proper running shoes fitted after a gait analysis done at a specialist running shop will help reduce impact and keep injury risk minimal.
Enjoy your journey.

Great for getting to wk3. I just bought a few bits for running from Decathlon and it's not expensive either. As for your shoes propper running ones are advised but what I did was got an older model of the shoes as the just out ones can be over £100. Running outside just takes a bit of practice as you are in charge if your pace so you really need to keep it slow. Well done you 😊

As most people have said, apart from decent shoes, the important thing is to find stuff that's comfortable. The garishly coloured Lycra can come when you start picking up your t-shirts for completing runs. I have a couple of "skins" and leggings for wearing under my kit when it gets colder, but mostly I just run in my highly fashionable refereeing gear ( healthunlocked.com/bridgeto...... ). The key is support where you need it, and comfort for everywhere else...

hi Sam - congratulations on your progress so far!
With regard to clothes you just want comfort, and leggings that don't fall down (problems for me in the beginning) I find M&S has a great range with the option of drawstring tights so you can control them!
With regard to the trainers, not wanting to disagree with the admin here, you don't have to buy the expensive £120+ trainers, especially in the beginning, entry level would be fine for now. I personally waited until i had graduated before i spent big money on the trainers to make sure it was something i was going to pursue and not waste money, and so started with some Asics at £50 - they were proper running shoes just entry level. Obviously this is personal choice. I have never had gait analysis, but if you have a running shop local its definitely worth doing. Also - ask if they have any old season trainers in stock - that way you will get them at a cheaper price
Be warned, once you get the bug shopping for running kit and deals will take over