Just back from visiting friends and family in south of England. Not seen them since losing weight and graduating C25K.
Their very positive reactions to the new improved slimmer & much fitter me has motivated me to kick start weight loss again. I haven’t lost any weight since before Christmas although my shape has changed for the better with running.
I know the scales are not everything but I still feel uncomfortable around the middle, especially when doing aquafit as the belly is very wobbly. As I result I am going to try to lose another 7 lb or so, which should help with running as less weight to carry.
Got a 5k charity run this Saturday and a 10k the following week at the same time as the local ½ marathon, which I hope I will be able to do next year.
So for those of you struggling with weight loss and C25K, stick in there, both plans work and I am now passing on the word to everyone who has seen the change in me.