I need a hug: I injured my calf 2 weeks ago on... - Couch to 5K

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I need a hug

Philholly profile image
39 Replies

I injured my calf 2 weeks ago on my penultimate run of the course: W9R2. I tried again last week just to see how it would hold up and it lasted 10 minutes, so I stopped and walked home.

I went out today after a week of stretching and walking to shops in my trainers to keep everything loose (calf feeling almost completely better) managed 7 minutes and it's seized again. I ended up crying my way back to the car.

I have the Race for Life in 3 weeks and it looks like I'm not going to heal in time and if I do I will have lost all that fitness so won't be able to jog it. I will let down all the people who have donated and congratulated me on my running.

Anyone who has an injury and tries to go back too soon, please learn from my mistake. I thought I was ok and I wasn't. Being out of action for this long is extremely depressing when I was feeling so great about myself finally achieving something like this only to fail at the final hurdle. All that fitness and stamina is now slowly leaking. As you can tell I'm feeling sorry for myself, but I wanted anyone who has an injury to see how it feels if you go back too soon. Be patient!

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Philholly profile image
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39 Replies
ajwyld profile image

Hug !

It sounds like you are OK walking ? Brisk walking will help you maintain a lot of stamina, so stick with it. You will complete R4L - even if you have to walk more than you jog it will still be a fantastic acheivement. (I had to stop for 3 weeks having got to week 7 due to illness, but I was able to keep walking, and when I restarted it was with w5r3. So even if you don't run at all between now and R4L, if your injury has healed, you should still be able to jog for a good 20 minutes, maybe more !)

Philholly profile image
PhilhollyGraduate in reply to ajwyld

Thanks for the hug and the support. I think I might go swimming in the meantime and see if that helps.

Beek profile image
BeekGraduate in reply to Philholly

Swimming is excellent! I don't have a pool nearby but would go had I got one!

I really feel for you. It's a horrible place to be. I've tried to take on the wise words of others (my physio and people on here) and try a few others things for a while before getting back to running. I hope you get healed up quickly and are able to get back for your race for life. Have you considered a physio appointment just to get a professional opinion on how things look and what else you can do to help the healing process?

Sending you a virtual hug, as requested :-)

Philholly profile image
PhilhollyGraduate in reply to

Thank you, I hadn't thought of a physio, but might give it a try.

Also, maybe a bit of 'pool running'? runnersworld.com/workouts/h...

Philholly profile image
PhilhollyGraduate in reply to

Not tried this, but will look it up, thank you again.


Try not to panic, you probably haven't lost as much fitness as you think you have! If I were you I would completely rest up now until your race day, and then go for it!

You're not letting anybody down, injuries can't be helped! All you can do is do your best :) xx

Philholly profile image
PhilhollyGraduate in reply to

Thank you spiky. Just feeling wretched at the moment, all these hugs are humbling and most warmly appreciated

Becca66 profile image

Oh, bad luck! Another virtual hug. It must so frustrating to put in all that work and then feel it leach away.

But as other people say, keep walking to maintain your stamina - I walked a lot anyway, before I began c25k, and I'm sure it has helped me through. Also, try and see a physic: they do know what they're talking about.

Everyone who has donated will understand. Chin up, etc!

Philholly profile image
PhilhollyGraduate in reply to Becca66

Thanks Becca, I'll see what I can do about a physio.

Beek profile image

You do have my utmost sympathy. Try not to worry about the fitness - it will come back quicker than when you were building it up in the first place. You have a bike. Do you have a bike stand that you could use indoors? I have got one and I am doing the Fast Exercise routines on it. It may be worth getting one if you are going to be out of action for a length of time. My biggest concern is that my weight is creeping up again and I am starting to comfort eat a bit.

Keep on with the resting and icing and I hope you are pain free very soon.

Virtual hug winging its way to you! :) :) :)

Philholly profile image
PhilhollyGraduate in reply to Beek

Thanks Beek. I just sold my bike as I have 2 disc hernias in the lumbar area and was told if I carried on I would need surgery.

I have found that the exercise doesn't affect my weight, but my head :)

I am doing Weight Watchers and find that alone will work on weight loss.

TurboTortoise profile image

I really, really feel for you. Like many people here I had something very similar last year, 'pinged' my calf on my first post-graduation run, stupidly tried to run again two days later and, my goodness, it hurt. Couldn't walk down the stairs without yelping. The bad news is I had to take four weeks off running, just to make sure it was all healed, but the good news is I could still run for 30 mins when I went out and tried again - you lose much less stamina than you think. It's so, so horribly frustrating, but you can't do anything but wait until it heals. I'd advise rest, and some brisk walking, but only if there is no pain. You will definitely still be able to do the Race for Life in three weeks, just take it easy and walk/run or whatever suits you best, you may even surprise yourself. Big virtual hug!

Philholly profile image
PhilhollyGraduate in reply to TurboTortoise

Thanks Turbo. I think my mistake was trying again last week, if I'd known it was such a deep injury I would have waited. However, it felt fine today, only the tiniest sensation that there was anything wrong, it just goes to show you need to be able to read the signs really well.

Thanks for the hug :)

Treemouse profile image

Oh you poor thing! *sends massive hugs* I hope that you don't get too disheartened; I know that it seems incredibly cruel to get an injury on your penultimate run, but you WILL get back to that level of fitness, and probably much quicker than you think. In the meantime, I agree with the others: swimming/aquarobics and keep up with brisk walks. Wishing you all the very best. :)

Philholly profile image
PhilhollyGraduate in reply to Treemouse

Thank you Treemouse, hugs accepted with gratitude :)

Rockette profile image

A virtual hug from me too I know how it feels it's horrible . Brisk walking will keep up your fitness & like a few have said swimming is excellent . Keep your chin up . & walk the race you will be fine good luck .

Philholly profile image
PhilhollyGraduate in reply to Rockette

Thanks Rockette. I'm still limping a little, I've ordered a foam roller and hope that will help.

catchmeifucan profile image

Big hug from me too.

Sometimes you just have to stop and rest/do something different. I suffered shin splints recently and followed the advice to not run for two weeks so walked and got out on the bike a couple of times and when returned to run again, was and have been fine since. Good luck.

Philholly profile image
PhilhollyGraduate in reply to catchmeifucan

Thanks for the advice and the hug CMIYC! Still feeling sorry for myself. I tried on my swimsuit and looked like a telly tubby so decided to wait until tomorrow and see if I can go for a walk somewhere in the woods around. There are lots of parks in London, maybe this is my time to check some of them out.

helcl profile image

Something else you might consider - I use these when I run now as I had a lot of problems early on with calfs and shins - seems to help a lot.


Philholly profile image
PhilhollyGraduate in reply to helcl

Thanks, I'll look into those

Fitfor60 profile image

Oh no phill holly Really feel for you You must be so frustrated But don't ever think you have let people down Race is still 3 weeks away so maybe you be able to walk it - lots of people do I know it's not what you planned but you have done all the training so people will understand and still support you. I know exactly what is going on in your head as think my brain seems to work in similar way . We are too hard on ourselves and although you know that on one level it can be hard to pick yourself up and get back in positive zone Lots of good suggestions here so hope you can find way that will work for you We all behind you Take care Another hug on its way

Philholly profile image
PhilhollyGraduate in reply to Fitfor60

Thanks FF60, you're so right.

CrazyKitty profile image

I hope you're feeling a bit better when you read this message, sometimes the next day things can seem different.

Don't lose hope or sight of your goal. The timings are unfortunate with your RFL & injury but you haven't let anyone down. It's a disservice to yourself to think that. You've come a mighty long way since starting the C25K journey and you may lose a little fitness but you will probably surprise yourself with how far you've come. Hold onto that. I don't know the extent of your injury but rest up for the moment & on the day take things slowly, there's no shame in walk breaks or even walking - you had the guts to actually enter & raise money! More than some people (unlike me who's still considering so well done!) One of the fantastic things about this journey is seeing yourself improve (though v slowly in my case). So don't be put off and disheartened, rest up for this week & see how you feel & perhaps take the program back a week or two to ease the pressure. Hugs & best wishes. X

Philholly profile image
PhilhollyGraduate in reply to CrazyKitty

What a lovely post. Thank you CrazyKitty. I'm a little better today, getting used to the very likely possibility that I will be walking it, but at least I won't be on crutches. :)

CrazyKitty profile image
CrazyKittyGraduate in reply to Philholly

Glad you're feeling a bit better today & being looked after with TLC. I read a quote somewhere (don't remember the actual words or by whom) but an elite runner was asked after running a marathon if their race was tough to which the reply was "No not as tough as someone who will complete the marathon in 6 hours - they're the ones that will have worked harder to complete the race." What I'm trying to say is that when you make your way round RFL the effort you put in will be more admirable than someone that can easily run 5k if you get what I mean. Not sure if I've got that across well!

mustgetthin profile image

Glad your spirits are up. Just remember R4L all that matters is go and do your best. Walk, run, jog. It doesn't matter. Lots of hugs


Philholly profile image
PhilhollyGraduate in reply to mustgetthin

Thank you for the hugs and the kind words

Philholly profile image

Thanks to all. There really is a lot of love (and loadsa hugs!) on this forum.

My wonderful wonderful husband of 9 months got home from a hard day and spent half an hour massaging my calf, then fed me chocolates: not good for the diet, but wonderful for the spirit.

NatC25Kiskillingme profile image

It may be worth investing in some sports massage/therapy - it may just help get you back on track. Those that have sponsored you will understand how hard you have tried. R4L - walk, run or jog - no matter which - it's the taking part that counts. Keep your chin up, you will get there - maybe just a little longer than you were hoping for.

Philholly profile image
PhilhollyGraduate in reply to NatC25Kiskillingme

Thanks for the positive thoughts Nat, I'm just disappointed, however, with all the advice I've received here and those calf supports, you never know, I might just do it. (As long as the hubby keeps massaging my calf and feeding me chocolate :) )

NatC25Kiskillingme profile image
NatC25Kiskillingme in reply to Philholly

I think I may have to steal your hubby - chocolate feeding and calf massage!! He sounds a real gem :-) Having said that, mine bakes cakes for me....he made an amazing banana cake last night! I told him that won't help me lose weight, I then convinced myself it was one of my 5 a day and tucked straight in! No help for me :-) :-)

Philholly profile image
PhilhollyGraduate in reply to NatC25Kiskillingme


Mine usually doesn't feed me anything like that, but he recognised it was a special occasion, he's adorable.

Philholly profile image

Thanks for the hug and the advice KK007, really appreciate it

Philholly profile image

Good news! I can move my R4L to another venue (and later date) for only £5. That means I can do it in Richmond on 15th June and give myself a little time to recover from the injury. If successful I will also do the one in Oxford in July :)

Shadowmichael profile image

My dear that is excellent news (just getting around to seeing this post) and kudos to you because you know what? You have already won! Injury aside, look at how amazing you are for getting to week 9!! And if you had to walk the R4L, does it matter because I bet you would walk a lot faster than others that might have to walk it. Be very proud of yourself and know that I am sending you a big hug as well. :)

Philholly profile image
PhilhollyGraduate in reply to Shadowmichael

Thank you Shadowmichael. I actually graduated on Saturday, so I'm feeling a lot better. Meant to be going out today, but the husband has the car so I can either jog around the smog filled streets or wait until tomorrow when I can go to the lovely park. Thanks for the hug :)

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