I graduated in February and since then have continued to run W9R3 3 times a week. Partly because I wanted to feel more comfortable at doing it and partly because I was noticing little improvements in my time week by week.
I have done most of the program on the treadmill. Partly because when I started in December '13 it was winter in Scotland and because I suffer from a severe form of arthritis and I found the treadmill easier on my joints. I can concentrate more on the running rather than worrying about kerbs and uneven roads etc.
Anyway, the past week I have been getting increasingly bored I guess doing the 5 min warm up, running at the same pace and incline and 5 min cool down. I have been doing lots of reading about looking at different treadmill programs - pyramid training etc. etc. and wondered whether to take the plunge but felt too nervous.
I decided this morning to try the C25K Stepping Stone program thinking having Laura would be useful - but I got about 10 minutes in and was about to give up completely. The music was dreadful and for the first time ever, Laura was really annoying! The 1-2-3-4 thing to help you keep to the beat etc was starting to get my goat. In the end I took my headphones out, took my ipod off and chucked it onto my jumper by the side of the treadmill and turned down my speed to a power walk.
I felt a bit of a failure. Never in the 9 weeks of the program and 2 months since graduating have I ever stopped mid run.
Anyway - I decided 'sod it.' I will do what I want and cover 5k that way. I increased the incline to about 5% and did some powerwalking. Then decreased the incline and sprint ran for about 5 min, then eased the pace off a bit, then raised the incline ..... and so I fiddled about with everything for about 45 minutes and had an absolute blast!
At the end, I had covered the same amount of distance (5.6k) as I would if I had just plodded along at my usual 8kph setting yet I had much more fun.
I have read that walk-run programs can be really effective. If it wasn't for the fact I had to be somewhere, I could have easily kept going today for longer alternating speeds, inclines etc. and still giving myself a good workout.
So, what do other people do who use a treadmill and are others following a walk-run (Jeff Galloway) approach to all of this?
Since starting in Dec I have lost 1/2 stone and nearly 2" from my tum - I want to keep that up and surely anything that keeps running fun and your motivation high is good.