I completed week 7 run 1 with difficulty last week at a slow pace. Due to having a busy week in work and finishing late every night I didn't manage a second run that week and attempted it today. I had been kayaking in the morning but felt ok so headed out. For the first 10 minutes or so I felt good but then got stitch and my legs were killing me so I had to walk for a minute or so. I then carried on running but again had to have a break before finishing again. I am a bit disappointed as although I have struggled a bit before now I haven't really had to walk when I should be running. Maybe it was the weeks break or maybe I was just tired. I don't know whether to go back to week 6 or give run 2 of week 7 another go first.....
stuck on week 7: I completed week 7 run 1 with... - Couch to 5K
stuck on week 7

Just repeat the run until you get it under your belt. We all have bad runs and there is no shame in needing to repeat a week. Slow and steady gets you there - look how far you've come, don't be disappointed.
I am sure its a combination of having to skip, and having already done the kayaking. Dont go back, just repeat it til it works.
I tend to agree with the above. Also, I try not to do other types of exercise (except maybe a little keep fit) on the days that I run. Maybe you tried a bit too hard with the kayaking as well as the running. Good luck with the repeat run. Best wishes.

This happened to me at this stage after a heavy afternoon of digging. I had a dreadful run but that's all it was. I'm with the others on this. Good luck.
Thanks everyone - after your encoragement i did week 7 and have just completed run 1 week 8. Hurray!