Don't be a fool like me.: It was around this... - Couch to 5K

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Don't be a fool like me.

ashton46 profile image
20 Replies

It was around this time last year that I started the C25K program, and like the majority of people who use the program, I loved it. At the end of the program I was running 5k in around 27 minutes. 12 weeks after starting the program I was running 10k in under an hour. Happy days!

At the time I would read a lot of people asking about the progression from 5k to 10k. How long does it take, etc.

I posted on here saying I believed that if you were running 5k two of three times a week - you could run 10k already. Some agreed with me, some didn't. One or two actually tried it on the back of my post and succeeded!

BUT - the question should have been - just because you can, does it mean that you should?

July/August/September last year I was in fitness heaven! A typical week would be:

Mon: Run 5k

Tues: Cycle 15k

Wed: Run 10k

Thur: Cycle 15k

Fri: Rest

Sat: Run 10k

Sun: Cycle 15k

Weight was falling off, I was feeling great.

In October I was out for a run and out of the blue I felt a pain in my right calf which felt like a sniper had just pinged me in the back of the leg.

Three physio's later and I'm still not running!


The C25K plan takes 9 weeks to get you up to some where around the 5k mark - don't be a fool like me and assume you're ready to jump from 5k to 10k in three or four weeks.

Fast approaching 5 months (and considerable expense) since my last run and counting .............

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ashton46 profile image
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20 Replies
IannodaTruffe profile image

Bad news, ashton, but thanks for posting this as it is so important for us to learn from one another's experiences. I too exceeded the 10% per week rule to push up to 16k, five months after starting C25k. I realised that the lower back pain that I was experiencing was the result of my body not being prepared for the strains that I was putting on it. I have eased back to only running up to 12k while my body catches up and also made the decision that 16k (10 miles) is probably as far as I want to run anyway.

A salutary warning. I wish you a full recovery in time. Good luck.

notbad profile image

Ashton I'm so sorry to read that, I popped my calf last year (sounds very similar to yours) and can only agree with you about too much too soon. The mistake I made (although I stuck to the 10% rule) was to push to simultaneously run my distances as fast as I could - not advisable. Some people (many on here) can and do get away with pushing the envelope regarding the 10% rule, but it's a risk and not one worth taking IMO. I hope you get this sorted, must be very frustrating to be out so long.

waletta profile image
walettaGraduate in reply to notbad

Yes I did this too. Luckily I posted on here within 2 weeks & received sage advice on here & although my knees are still a bit achy nothing too drastic but I am careful now. Thanks for the timely reminder - It's so easy to get ahead of ourselves.

misswobble profile image

Yes! It's so true. I think several of us on here have done the same thing and got carried away by the enthusiasm of our new sport. It's so easy to overdo things. As new runners we need to take our time and build up GRADUALLY

Zizzy profile image

Thank you so much for this post. I'm only on Wk6 of C25K but I know I'm the personality type to do what you did, - I started out running consecutive days until posts on this forum made me mend my ways.

I hope you're back running soon.

ChrisL profile image

Thanks for the reminder. Very timely. I am only on W4 but am already having to fight the desire to run further or more frequently. Hope you are fit to run again soon.

Oldgirl profile image

wise words Ashton, but sorry you now have an injury, hope you are able to get back out there soon. Take it nice and easy when you get the green light. :)

Rockette profile image

Very good advice . Sorry to hear about your injury Ashton & I also know how easy it is to get carried away with this new & exciting running lark . I've been out of action 9wks now & it's been horrible , god knows how you must be feeling ! I'm starting back again this week some time but I've learned my lesson & it will be slow & steady . Good luck in your recovery & take care .

danzargo profile image

Thanks for that Ashton. A very wise and good piece of advice.

ju-ju- profile image

Thankyou...and thankyou for sharing...your exercise regime sounded really punishing!! I hope you are soon on the is so tough...take care

Jennyh543 profile image

Sound advice and a real shame you had to learn the hard way. Hope you get back to running soon x

carole01 profile image

Thank you so much for sharing this and saddened to hear you are still unable to run - I am to do my last run of the programme today and I will take heed of you advice and experiences. Hope you are back out there very soon :)

ashton46 profile image

Morning folks,

Thank you for the messages of support. Before I started running I had no idea how much I would enjoy it, and now I can't I miss it terribly.

On those cool sunny evenings I drive home from work thinking how perfect the weather is to go out for a run. Constantly seeing people out running and feeling envious.

But if nothing else it has confirmed that the C25K wasn't a fad.

I will get back running!

Elfe5 profile image
Elfe5Graduate in reply to ashton46

Hi ashton46, thank you for sharing that with us - we humans are so gifted “learning the hard way” 🙄

I really sympathise with the frustration. Hope you are ok to cycle meanwhile?? Walking and cycling are my other two regular forms of exercise and very gradually I have become ( a bit😂) better at thinking, “oh well, I can do two out of my three forms of exercise“ when running is not possible. 😄

Burstcouch profile image

Too much too soon and that equals misery.Hard lessons for us all.

I like your post it reminds me how much we all try to do too much too quickly and our bodies tell us NO!

it took me a year after C25k to get up to 10k runs which I do 3 times a week ( weather permitting ) but I tried, and as yet can't push beyond 12k, so it will take time to extend the runs and I hope one day to reach about 16k. Hope your injury mends

snailface profile image

Thanks for sharing that Richard. I’m only on week 3 but I popped in the shop the other day to just see what all the gait analysis stuff was all about and the guy selling said don’t wait get them now because as a new runner you are more likely to suffer injuries. Having proper shoes will minimise that risk. He asked me to walk briskly on the treadmill.

So I shelled out £120 and got my new balance shoes which I’ve used once and you are right they are different to run in but I feel happier that I am doing the best I can to look after my feet and joints at 63 years and not having run for many years I feel I’ve got to pay attention to looking after myself.

He also said he was a running coach and if I ache I’ve run too far/ long if I get injured I’m running too fast. He said just keep your runs regular and SLOW and you will enjoy it more as your strength builds.

My shoes same make as yours Richard more girlie mint colour.

Littleangelkaz profile image

Sound advice. I'll continue to take it slow and steady once I graduate next week.

Tartancat profile image

So sorry about your injury, and hope it mends soon.

This running is like an addiction, and it's very easy to overdose. Some manage to get away with it and some don't.

All the best to you 😊

Wimborne profile image

So sorry Ashton46 to read this and best wishes for a safe recovery. Rest well to mend well as my Nan always said. And thank you for sharing this with us. I am a newbie to running and it has made pause and think.

Escargot profile image

I hope that Ashton got back in stride after the injury. And I'm pleased to have found this thread. Although I'm only starting Week 5, it's important to remind myself to take it slowly.

Thank you

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