Well just back from w7r3, when i left home it was drizzling, not so bad i thought and knew this was the best time to go! Had ventured down to seafront last night with partner and his garmin to see how long a walk/run it was from Shanklin to Sandown pier and back, it was windy but only one way (2nd half unfortunately!), and had George the dog for company too! It came up at dead on 3 miles return so thought this would be a good route to try!
So went for it this morning, parked on seafront and did 5 min warm up walk as usual, then with the pier in my sights set off... only passed 2 other runners both said hello so that was nice. As recommended by another forum member i had added to my MP3 a set of something new from Rockmyrun "fit to fight" to listen to so(sorry Laura!), setting off to the "eye of the tiger"!! On the way along it wasn't so bad and by the time i had reached the pier i had covered nearly 13 mins, so that worked out ok as i was due to do the dreaded 25 mins again! Running along to "ain't no stopping us now" and "i was survive" was quite fun!.........Then i turned around... not so much fun anymore! the rain was driving down, the wind was blowing hard and the car looked a long way off! Still, got to carry on i told myself persuasively! Not many people around now, so just jogged v slowly and next thing i knew it was nearly done! returned to car very soggy and squelchy but triumphant! So a change of route and some jazzy uplifting music does help! Off for strong coffee now................and toast!! Must have burnt off that many calories?! Wish me luck for 1st parkrun on Sat.......(last one cancelled