son in law sorted all stuff on I phone --- cast off from daughter First run this morning to 60 s music and NO Laura Nervous in case it all didnt work but it did and I loved it! lucky no one in park to see me dancing around at one point According to stats I ran at similar pace as my parkrun time so well chuffed at that
First run with Nike app and own music - Couch to 5K
First run with Nike app and own music

That sounds like a good run , it's great isn't it running to your own music , I have only done the stepping stone podcast speed once because I like my own tunes & doing my own thing mind you DO NOT get carried away , like I did ! Happy running .
It's funny cos I was thinking of you when I was running and set phone for 35 mins I think I'll need to play about with it and maybe try and find a structured plan to follow Miss laura and the wk ? R? How is your ankle
It's a bit improved from yesterday , can walk without limping as much , but still twanging if you know what I mean . Yes I can't believe I've been so daft fitfor60 looking back at my distances I've def done too much too soon ! , just learn from me , don't get carried away . Happy & safe running
Rockette, Hi! Sorry to see you've been injured too. Have we all just got a bit carried away?!!
Lol it looks like I have lol . I was like a kid when I graduated , it was like , I can run , I can keep running , oooh this is great , tunes in my ears , & after them first horrible ten mins at start , I was sometimes wanting to just keep going . Oh well you live & learn . & how are you flossiebow have you done a damage ? Hope your fit for the new year luv

Hehe, lovely! I sometimes click my fingers to the music and make my feet go to the rhythm - god help me if anyone is looking! Makes the negative thoughts go away though and I have fun happy new year!

How wonderful!! Glad you enjoyed it so much; that's what it's all about!
I've been given a new phone for Christmas; one of these smartphone thingies, so you've given me hope that I might be able to do the same thing. I just need to get a child to sort it all out for me. I think that I might get on to Amazon and get Hits of the 60s/ 70s/ 80s or something!