Is there anyone out there just starting week 1? - Couch to 5K

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Is there anyone out there just starting week 1?

Tracey001 profile image
29 Replies

I've just downloaded the podcasts and am determined to get out there this weekend for my first run. Is there anyone out there planning to do the same that i can swap notes with?

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Tracey001 profile image
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29 Replies
MumWhaley profile image

Hi Tracey.

I started week 1 last saturday and so still on it.

Have you done your first run yet?

Tracey001 profile image
Tracey001Graduate in reply to MumWhaley

Hi there, I'm planning to do my first run tomorrow or permitting!

Tracey001 profile image
Tracey001Graduate in reply to MumWhaley

Have you done your run three yet and does it get any easier?

Hennith profile image

Hi Tracey,

Just did Run 1 this morning. I completed it, though I found it quite tough. Mind you, I haven't done any real exercise for probably 3 years or more (whoops!) - and I'm 50, so I can't expect miracles.

Run 2 is planned for Sunday ...

I'd certainly be interested in swapping notes. Go for it, and let me know how you find it.

Tracey001 profile image
Tracey001Graduate in reply to Hennith

Hi there, and nice to hear from you. I'm just turned 50 too. I've literally just downloaded the podcasts so am not even sure what they contain. I'm assuming I'll just head to the park and turn it on and it will tell me what to do. Also, how do you know how many runs to do each week? Two or three?

Hennith profile image
HennithGraduate in reply to Tracey001

Yes, I just headed for the nearby cricket field and let the podcast guide me. The plan actually involves three runs per week, with at least a day of rest in between, with a different schedule for each of the nine weeks. Good luck!!

Tracey001 profile image
Tracey001Graduate in reply to Hennith

Good luck for tomorrow!

annasee profile image

Just wanted to wish you all the best with your start to the programme. Have faith - you will do it! I still can't quite believe that I am on week 7, one more run to go this week. An over-50 who hasn't run since school, and had no stamina to speak of. This programme has been brilliant and not nearly as difficult as i thought. As Laura says several times, it's all in the mind. I found the big jump to a 20 min run quite scary in prospect (was actually nervous beforehand, ridiculous!) but the trick I have discovered after reading on here, is just to take small steps! Really limit yourself so that you are just putting one foot in front of the other, but keep up that running movement, and before you know it, it's finished. If i went any slower, I'd probably be going backwards, but I'm so pleased I've managed all the runs so far with no stopping, that I don't care. I have a really bad bunion on one foot that I thought would stop me running, but it's been no worse after running than it is from walking, so I think that what I gain in fitness overall is probably worth the wear & tear on that joint. Clothes fit better, even though i haven't lost any weight. Someone mentioned thinking of the longer runs in small subdivisions, and that also definitely helps. 20 mins is just 4 x 5 mins, which you will have done very soon...And when you are on the last 5 mins, it seems a shame to give up, so you carry on. Good luck!

Tracey001 profile image
Tracey001Graduate in reply to annasee

Many thanks for your best wishes. Reading the posts on here, I don't think I had appreciated that you could just go at your own speed and that its just important to keep the momentum going. I think this is a great forum for offering support to people. Not quite sure I'll get to Seven weeks, but I'll try to get this first one over and done with and then take it from there.

birdistheword profile image

Take it a week at a time, that's what I thought 7 weeks ago and I still am, and a day at a time. But now it's also that I've been doing it for 7 weeks so what's 2 more!!

I also have 3 different but familiar routes I do so I don't get bored!

Keep going!

MumWhaley profile image

Hi Tracey001. Good luck with your run today or tomorrow. I also downloaded runkeeper which is a free app which is your distance/speed/GPS monitor. This helps me as I see an improvement every time I run.

On my first run, I couldn't manage all the runs. I think I did 3 or 4 but by the end of the week (today) I am confident that I can do them all, so running for 8 minutes in total over the length of the run.

The programme is designed so that you do 3 runs a week. Run and alternate rests.

One problem I have encountered this week is back ache whilst running and after reading more on the subject, I have put this down to my running technique. So can I recommend that you read as it may help. I know I was running looking at the ground a lot which is not the way to do it.

Good luck and lets us know how you get on.

Just remember, something is better than nothing.


annasee profile image
annaseeGraduate I found this and it's an interesting way of working out how far you have run, after you've got home again. I was quite encouraged to see even with tiny steps I've managed over 3k without stopping - something I never would have believed 7 weeks ago!

Tracey001 profile image

Well I'm back from my first run and survived it and managed to keep going. Found it really tough though and couldn't power walk in the recovery sections...I had to slow to a stroll. I think I found runs 3-5 the hardest and funnily the last one was a bit easier but I think that was because I was on the flat leg coming home and run 5 was slightly uphill as i was coming out my local park.

There's a few things to get right for next time. Firstly, I wore too warm a jacket but I couldn't find anything else to wear to tuck my phone into with a high enough pocket. I guess I need to buy one of those things to wrap round my arm and just go out in a tee shirt or light fleecy. Also, I'd been to a party and had a few drinks the night before and probably wasn't as hydrated as I could have been.

I wore a heart monitor that I'd I bought a few years ago and used the mapmyrun app so I can keep check of progress in the future.

The most important thing is that I did it so that's a great mental boost and I've got a day to recover before I try again on Monday.

Postscript: once I'd got home and sat for 10m I was so stiff when I got up again. I think another thing I will need to do is to make sure I do some stretches or yoga when I get back home after a run.

Hennith profile image
HennithGraduate in reply to Tracey001

Well done!!

Yes, I certainly found it tougher than I thought I would - and I would agree that the middle ones were the worst, though I reckon that's probably psychological.

I found breathing hard. I think it was easier when I tried not to be aware of my breathing. Also I think I was probably going too fast, so tomorrow I will slow it right down.

I held my ipod in my hand which probably wasn't ideal either. I'm such an amateur!!

Good luck for Monday!!

Cattykit profile image
Cattykit in reply to Tracey001

I remember feeling really stiff after the first run of week one too. There are some good stretches on the website that I now do straight after every run especially the one that looks like you need to loo desperately! :)

Somehow I've managed to get to nearly completing week 3 (third run tomorrow) so not that far ahead of you.

Tracey001 profile image
Tracey001Graduate in reply to Cattykit

Thanks for the advice and have a good run today.

riotgoddess profile image

I'm starting tomorrow! Good to hear what to expect as I've already put my start date back twice due to trepidation!

Tracey001 profile image
Tracey001Graduate in reply to riotgoddess

All the very best for tomorrow then. Don't put too much pressure on yourself and slow down if you're starting to struggle. I'd be really keen to hear how you get on. Best wishes. T.

riotgoddess profile image
riotgoddess in reply to Tracey001

Thank you for the advice and encouragement. I'll post tomorrow to let you know how it went.

Lippie profile image

Hey there, I just did w1r1 this morning and it was ok. Have been working on fitness for about 2 months now, so was glad it had paid off. Wasn't easy, but I did manage it! Good luck on run 2 x

Tracey001 profile image
Tracey001Graduate in reply to Lippie

Hi Lippie. Well done. I'm sure we'll be swapping tales over the next few weeks! When's your next run? Tuesday?

Lippie profile image

Yes....did you do your second run today? Look forward to swapping notes...and hopefully a few celebrations too!!!, x

Tracey001 profile image
Tracey001Graduate in reply to Lippie

Second run tomorrow. Hoping it will go okay. I'm not naturally athletic so none of this is easy. Just seems a necessity to stop midlife decay!

riotgoddess profile image
riotgoddess in reply to Tracey001

Good luck for tomorrow. Let us know how it goes. I finally started today and I've been a fool for putting it off! Not easy, but I quite enjoyed it. I posted the whole tale.

Realfoodieclub profile image

Well done to all of you for taking those few steps. I wish you all the best. I have not graduated yet but I am loving it. I might not look like it if you saw me with my beetroot face. But it's a lovely sense of achievement. Good luck .

NIK49 profile image

I'm staring 50 in the face, hadn't done any exercise for 20 years - did W1R1 last night, & survived! Was encouraged to read on here I'm not the only one who didn't manage all the runs (nos 6 & 7 I stopped jogging a bit early, but managed no 8). I am looking forward to my 2nd run tomorrow a bit more confidently now. Will have to work on technique, as I was definitely staggering rather than jogging . . . . .

Lippie profile image

Yay! Did run2 this morning and feel fine! Very happy! Am I the only one who actually reaches round and gives themselves a pat on the back when told to? Lol...I did it for both runs and then grinned at how daft I am!!!! Good luck to you all x

KateK profile image
KateKGraduate in reply to Lippie

Hi Lippie, I did the pat on the back too, well I figured did the runs as Laura told me to so why not the pat on the back. I did run 2 of week 1 yesterday and I can't wait to do my next one, can't believe I'm looking forward to it. I've completed the strength & flex course so I'm going to do those in between run days as others are doing. I can't get over the fact that I'm enjoying exercising.

NSB001 profile image

Good for everyone getting out there and giving it a go! I've just started Week 1 - did first run Tues, and going for second run in a minute (when I stop reading about running and actually go do some...!). During the first run I found the first few 60sec runs really tough - about 20 seconds in I thought blimey, I am definitely not going to complete this programme ever, I can't even do half a minute of running! But by the last few runs I was managing to finish and then stroll it off. I ended up over-warm and with my mp3/phone falling everywhere and ended up holding the damn lot... Definitely need to get a clothing routine sorted to make it easier! I don't know about everyone else, but reading about other people's running (whether week 1 or week 9) on this forum helps me mentally get in the mood - I find myself wanting to go out and have my own go. Hope it works the same for everyone else. Good luck on the rest of Week 1 - I'm off for run 2!

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