Yesterday was my 3rd anniversary and I forgot ... - Couch to 5K

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Yesterday was my 3rd anniversary and I forgot it!!!!!!!!!!

Oldgirl profile image
24 Replies

I've just realized this morning that we are now into September, so yesterday was my 3rd anniversary of running.

At the beginning of August 3 years ago I down loaded NHS C25K Podcasts 1,2 & 3 and listened one evening to the first week just to hear what it was all about. Liked the sound of Laura's voice which was a big bonus. But then I chickened out and forgot about it. A couple of weeks later I missed my bus, simply because I couldn't run for it and there wouldn't be another for 30 minutes :( Now that's not acceptable for any able bodied person in my opinion, so it really was time to do something about my health and fitness.

Two days later it was a beautiful evening, 31st August so I went and put on my trainers, a loose fitting T shirt and some jogging bottoms, said to hubby, "I'm off out for a walk, won't be too long" and away I went with Laura telling me just what to do and when, simples :) OMG that first run nearly killed me, my asthma kicked in after about the 3rd session of running, but I'm what we call up here in Scotland 'thrawn' to translate 'stubborn' and kept on going. Now I had not given a route any thought whatsoever and found myself a good 10 minutes walk from home by the last 60 seconds had finished which was quite good, it would give me time to get my breathing sorted and arrive home looking a bit less puce!!! That first run was nearly my last I can tell you, who in their right mind wants to end up gasping for breath, have achy legs, sweating like sieve and to cap it all have to repeat it 2 more times in one week!?! I DO ;) Told you I was thrawn.

It was the start of week 3 before I told my hubby I was learning to run, he took me into town and bought me some running gear as part of my birthday present (60th) which was the next week. Son number 2 was told and he duly arrived with running gear for said birthday. Well that clinched it, I couldn't stop now even if I wanted too, but I didn't, I looked forward to each and every new week, loving the challenge knowing I had worked hard and would rise to it. Don't get me wrong, some runs were hard, darn hard, some just sailed by as if I was on a cloud. Do you know I think I was on a cloud, cloud 9, it was such a wonderful feeling completing those runs, I had done it all, it was my achievement, and I was proud of myself for the first time in years, I walked more upright holding my head and shoulders straighter, I felt better than I had in over 10 years. I completed C25K in the 9 weeks, didn't miss a run, every other day, it was easy to fit in for me as I was retired now and enjoying retirement which I had not been looking forward to.

Hubby and I were going away to Cape Verde Islands for Christmas & New Year, running gear was packed, I was now running 5-6K every time I went out. Then on 2nd January I woke and could not walk, sciatica had struck me for the second time, the first I had a few years back but it was nothing compared with this, I couldn't walk hardly. I struggled for the last 3 days of our holiday the pain getting worse each day, I swam in the pool hoping it would help, but nothing seemed to work. The journey home was a nightmare, I was by now in a wheelchair, popping pain killers like smarties. Home and doc said I had what they sometimes term as 'full blown sciatica' it would take weeks to get better, he was not wrong. Strong tablets and rest with very gentle movements was all I could do, it took 6 weeks before I could walk properly and that was using a stick!! Once I was mobile again though there was no stopping me, I went back swimming, then aqua gym, then walking and increased it to brisk walking. Then after 3 long months and checking with doc set out for another go at NHS C25K, would I be able to complete it, I had to have faith in my own abilities, seems I did.

I was on week 7 when by accident I discovered this wonderful site, I had almost finished C25K for the second time but now I could speak about my journey, my runs with other like minded people who very quickly became my friends.

I'm still running 3 times a week, I've had the odd spell off for injuries, sciatica flares now and again but thankfully nothing as bad as before. I'm not a fast runner, my maximum distance is 10K in 1:06:20 my 5K times are usually around the 32 minutes which I'm very happy with. I love my running, I have to listen to my body or it does rebel and causes me pain so there is no point in me pushing beyond a sensible limit.

So that's my 3 years running to date, sorry if I've bored you, thanks for reading all my waffle if you've got to the end, and here's my Garmin stats for this morning's run.

Happy running everyone I do hope you enjoy it as much as I do, stay safe out there as the nights draw in :)

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Oldgirl profile image
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24 Replies
ju-ju- profile image

wow...Oldgirl you really are an inspiration, and your determination really shines through. You are amazing, well done and you need to celebrate those 3 amazing years...and many more to come X

Beads profile image

Happy anniversary OldGirl!

(I would have missed my first anniversary a few weeks ago if someone else hadn't posted theirs a few days before which made me think when was mine?)

Scipio profile image

Happy anniversary Oldgirl!

You are one amazing, determined and inspirational lady. When I first started C25K last year I used to get great inspiration from your blogs & I still do now. It's thanks to the encouragement and support from posters like you that I finally graduated last weekend.

Happy running, & keep jumping in those puddles in the rain!!

juju2208 profile image

Old girl, you are a blimmin super star :-) happy anniversary

J x

SarahP0003 profile image

Happy Anniversary Oldgirl! I don't post on here much myself but love reading your posts. You really are an inspiration and such a great source of support for everyone. Happy running! :)

runningnotwalking profile image

Congratulations and happy 3rd anniversary - great post :-) Hope you celebrate in style

Oldgirl profile image

I have to add guys and girls part of the enjoyment in my running is being able to share with others, it is not quite the same when I come home and my couch potato hubby tries so very hard to look interested in my ramblings ;) Its this site that puts the icing on the cake :) Thank you for your kind remarks and good wishes. I just noticed all my Tags (a new PB for me :) ) so can someone/anyone tell me what the heck ODd is?

Canidoit profile image
CanidoitGraduate in reply to Oldgirl

I think overdosed but can you with this.

suzybenj profile image

great inspirational post - thank you

IannodaTruffe profile image

Many congratulations Oldgirl, this site would not be the same without you. Your experience and wisdom shine out in every post.

Rollertoaster profile image

Happy anniversary Oldgirl! You have a really inspirational story and you say you're not fast, but those are very respectable 10K and 5K times! Well done and happy running! :)

edqa233 profile image

Happy Anniversary Oldgirl, you are an inspiration and I love reading your posts! :)

Fentaz42 profile image

Three years running!! Happy anniversary!! You are such an inspiration Oldgirl, to me you are c25k - you should be their poster girl! :)

unfitmum profile image

Can I just echo everything that has already been posted - you really are an inspiration and a real encouragement. Thank you and Happy Anniversary!

AliB1 profile image

Wow 3 years...that's fantastic. 4 months to go until my 2nd year anniversary!

This site has been amazingly supportive from when there were a couple of hundred ofmusnto the 000s now. Even though not posting much at the mo I still stop by to see how everyone is doing.

Here's to many more anniversaries xx

Oldgirl profile image
OldgirlGraduate in reply to AliB1

Hi Ali hope you are well and life is being good to you. Yep who would have thought 3 years down the line, still not much faster, runs are easier though (sometimes) but the best thing is I still love it so that can't be all bad :) Take care.

Honorsmum profile image

I absolutely love your posts, Old girl - you are simply wonderful and so giving to everyone here, with your endless encouragement and words of wisdom and support.

You are also a huge inspiration - what I wouldn't give to have a mum like you!

Congratulations on 3 years of bettering yourself...and here's to many, many more happy runs. :-)

swanscot profile image

Happy anniversary Oldgirl! You're a great support and inspiration to many new runners on this site. And all the more so for returning to running and the C25K plan following injury. Here's wishing you continuing happy running.

sofaqueen profile image

Wonderful to hear of your running journey OG, your support and advice on here as an experienced runner are invaluable to so many people. We're lucky to have you :)

Firesand61 profile image

Your story has really inspired me. Well done - I hope I have some 'thrawn' to get me through the program - just finished Week 4, run 2. The support of family is great, isn't it? I had really psyched myself out about the 5 minute runs in Week 4 but my 13 year old daughter ran alongside me for run 1 and kept up with the positive comments, and my husband took me out to get some 'sporty' gear to make me feel the part afterwards!

I'm sending your post to my sister in NZ (I'm in Australia). We had a holiday recently where we looked at this program together when I discovered it on iTunes. We're planning to motivate each other across the Tasman - but I know, like me, she'll be excited to be part of a much wider running community. Your success story will be with me over the next weeks as I progress towards my 5K goal. Sincere thanks.

Canidoit profile image

Glad to see you're running again. This journey is fantastic isn't it. You inspired me knowing you live up the road and started when you retired. Thank you.

Ps parkrun time 29:01. At the start, run 1 minute?! I struggled and now I am thinking I could have done 2 seconds faster. How I've changed.

Oldgirl profile image
OldgirlGraduate in reply to Canidoit

Well done that's a wonderful fast time, feel proud of it, it was not easy with so many runners, nice one.

runningwild profile image

Happy Anniversary Oldgirl, wonderful blog and you always give great advice to me as well!

Carry on enjoying your running...

:) :)

waletta profile image

Fantastic. I really look forward to your post. I sometimes wonder what next, I haven't got there yet mind, & I see you still loving it & getting better & better & then I think yes this is what I want too. Thank you. :) Thrawn? Do they bottle it?

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