Any recommendations for a good brand of sports bra?
One for the ladies - sports bra help - Couch to 5K
One for the ladies - sports bra help

It took me several mispurchases to find the best sports bra for my not too little friends and its name speaks for itself: Shock Absorber.
Not the cheapest but definitely worth it!!! (Especially if you have more to stop from bouncing )
They come in different intensity levels for different types of sports (I think level 4 is the highest and made for sports like running)

Here's another vote for Shock Absorber and believe me, I have, ahem, a fair amount that needs absorbing! LOL!

I recently bought a Shockabsorber and find I get less back ache now than wearing an ordinary bra. They are the very divil to fasten up but very comfy once you are in! (I need 36G) Saw some half price in Sports Direct (I think that site) sale.

I definitely saw a thread a few weeks ago with a lot of advice/opinion on this subject - it may have been in the questions section. Try searching for it (if you can do such a thing on this new version of the forum).
I will just add my vote for Shock Absorbers, but it wouldn't be fair not to give Debenhams a mention. I went there for a fitting when I was having trouble with the edge of the cup on my Shock Absorbers rubbing the skin raw over my potruding pacemaker (don't ask!). They brought half the shop into the changing room for me to try on, and were very patient. I settled on their own brand which didn't have a seam in the wrong place, and it was every bit as good as the Shock Absorber. I've gone back to the latter now that I've had the pacemaker moved, but I'd definitely use Debenhams again.

I am very jealous all this talk of shock absorbers I so wish I needed them . I just have a vest/ bra combo from Nike but my tits are small ( although I am quite happy with them as they don't get in my way and don't complain about my running!!). Good luck with the shopping trip!!

I like my Shock Absorber, but I'm also a big fan of the Gap Body high impact bra and I reach for that one as my first preference - Shock Absorber now only gets a trip out if the Gap is in the wash!

Shock Absorber! I think they are fab & now I have two. Wouldn't pay full price for one (around £35 I think) so I found one in the Debenhams sale for £17.50 and the other in the BHS sale (£22.00). Love them! I admit, it does require a certain knack to get into but it's worth it.
I did read somewhere that prevention is better than cure. Boobs don't have muscle you can tone up once they go saggy so it's best to give them all the support you can from the start!

Shock absorber definitely keep my twin airbags in place & worth the money. Pretty difficult 2 get on but I've mastered an over the head technique. Happy shopping & running!
I tried your over the head technique whit my ShockAbsorber this morning and got stuck There was no way I could have gone either out of the bra nor properly into it. I managed to free myself after a few embarrassing minutes (well, probably just 30 seconds but it felt like minutes) and did my usual twist-technique again. When I was stuck in my bra I thought about the headlines that could be written about this incident: Woman (25) stuck in sports bra - She'll have to live with this bra forever! or: Shock Absorber absorbs 25year old runner
I thin

I like Marks and Spencer for sports bras as they have a decent selection that you don't already have to be very fit and flexible to get on. I have 5. I did get a couple from Sainsbury's as I prefer cotton, but they were over the head types and didn't last well at all.

Sainsbury's own brand I have... but I'm not in the need for 'shock absorbers'!

I bought my first 2 sportsbras from SportsDirect-they are Lonsdale ones. I got them for under £10 as far as I remember and buy one get one free so I did not spend a lot of money. I have been using them for a long time now, and still in good shape. One has been used a bit more than the other so I think it may have to be replaced soon. Saying that, Hubby noticed that my 'twins' were bouncing a bit when I did the last Park Run, so I got to think how to stop that. Good luck on your Bra hunting!
Only just seen this post, but thought it was worth mentioning H and M. I have a couple of sports bra's from them and am really happy with them. They're about £10 each and do keep everything in place. They aren't adjustable so are a bit of a faff to get in and out of, but I don't mind that too much. I'm about a C cup, so not sure if they'd be suitable for everyone, but I'd really recommend them to anyone looking for what I've mentioned, at a good price.

Another vote for 'Run bra' Shock absorber for me as well, have two would not be without them. I leave the plastic clip fastened then pull over my head and just fasten the back hooks. Much easier than fumbling around.
The best sports bra for well-endowed ladies is definitely Enell. It is an expensive brand but since I discovered it my life has been transformed.