I love Couch to 5k. It turned my life around. My daughter and I started running last November and competed in January. We did all that training through the winter, snow and ice. We continued to do Bridge to 10k and ran a 10k in March. On the 10k run I fell (in the snow). I finished the run but was struggling even to walk. The bottom line was that I had fractured my pelvis. Since then I've been resting for 3 months. Today I'll be doing run 1 of couch to 5k. Wish me luck
It's been a while: I love Couch to 5k. It... - Couch to 5K
It's been a while

oh good luck! That must have been incredibly painful. I hope it's fully healed. You must have been so upset all round to do that well then have to stop.
But restarting will be easier - you'll know you can more than do it - rather than starting out not knowing what lies ahead.
And before you did it first time, i'm guessing the resting had been a lot longer than 3 months. I hadn't run since school and didn't think i could before this programme.

Yikes mojo to have completed a run with a fractured pelvis says what strong will power you have, you must have been in terrible pain. Wishing you all the best for starting out again, you will do it. I was laid up for over 3 months with sciatica and did the programme a second time, once I'd got rid of my nervousness and relaxed it soon came back to me and everything clicked into place. Good luck, take it nice and easy the first couple of weeks.
Thank you.
I did run 1 week 1 this morning. i do have "tightness" in the area of my injury but apart from that it was easy. I've rested and put ice on it and am now googling whether I should pick up closer to where I left off or whether I should start all over again. After all I was running 10k.

Ok I've made a decision. I've found a couch to 10k programme. It builds up gradually (like couch to 5k). It takes 13 weeks altogether so I think that it will fit the bill. It says that it's for new runners or people who can run 5k.

good luck...sounds like you have the drive and determination to be amazing
Sounds like you had an awful time...that must have been horrific
well done you

Ow ow ow. That sounds v painful. Good luck with second time round and well done for not being put off for life!

Good luck. I've successfully returned after a 12 week break through a knee injury. I'm back to 5k and now thinking about moving on to 10 but not sure how to. Would be interested to find out more about the programme you're following.
Hi viki you'll need to search the apps. It's called 10k pro from zero to 10k. It's excellent just like couch to 5k except that you can use your own music. I've used it before. Week 1 run 2 later today ????

Oh viki I'll find it and let you know on here x