Can't really believe I am writing this. Just over four weeks of jogging - that's amazing.
Although slightly tired I reminded myself it was a mental hurdle I needed to get through so I just kept going. Lots of joggers still overtake me but I do feel I am going faster. My calves are finally starting to ache less during the session and are less tight.
I am so glad because I was saying to my friend that because they were so tight I felt I wasn't actually able to push myself, I wasn't sweating, I wasn't out of breath, I was just trying to keep going and not stop.
Well now I sweat and get out of breath but strangely I am happy about this as I feel I am really trying and (hopefully) improving my fitness level by pushing myself. My advice to anyone with the same problem is just take it easy until your calves start feeling better before you push too hard - it worked for me
So I am happy that I am now sweating but I am not sure my friend is!
There we were at the end of our session doing stretching together: Arms over head and I realised that my sweat patches under my arms were rather large. Looking across at my friend I see she has noted them too, then my friend helpfully pointed out the back of my t-shirt was similarly wet with sweat.
It wasn't until I put my leg up on the rail (I am not a gymnast by the way the rail is only low) that we both realised I had sweated somewhere else...gross. After jokingly asking if I had wet myself and then reassuring me that Davina McCall has the same problem she tactfully turned around while I finished that stretch.
Bending over to do finally stretch I heard more tittering from my friend as she confirmed you could see it from the back as well.
So trying to keep my head up high, and my friend from laughing, I moved quickly to the car to go home!
At the moment I just run in either leggings or jogging bottoms and a cotton t-shirt. I have been told that if I buy proper running leggings and t-shirts they will pull sweat away (or at least mask it better)
I have also looked this up on the web to make sure I am not a complete freak and have read that I sweat like this either a) because I just sweat this way and always will or b) because I am overweight.
I have read that anti-perspiration deodorant or talc on my legs might help but any advice welcome (or even commiserations that you or "your friend" suffers from this.)
On a different note, now that I have done it for a month I am starting to feel confident that I might complete this. I am still excited about doing it and still enjoy it (or at least feel so proud when I have finished) I also bought a runners magazine the other day and have looked at the garmins that people talk about in this group.
I still don't feel quite confident saying I am a runner and if I say I went on a run to anyone I normally have to then emphasise it was a jog and a slow jog. Maybe it's because I am overweight so I think people might laugh if I say I am a runner, hopefully this will change as I continue.
But at least I can say Davina and I have something in common.