That's better. Back to my old self!: Well, after... - Couch to 5K

Couch to 5K

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That's better. Back to my old self!

TJFlute profile image
36 Replies

Well, after a decidedly dodgy day yesterday (Ooooh, I so nearly took the day off :O ) today has been much better, mentally and physically. The aches and pains have gone from most places; just my underarms still a bit sore:too many press ups+tennis on Sunday!

So, today I went back to the gym and managed a 45 minute session very happily. The gym is still a new experience for me so I'm liking the challenge of it

Tomorrow I plan to see a friend and go for a swim. Only six days left! I'm getting excited about it now :)

So, if you're in this with me, what have you been up to today? I missed some of you yesterday because the site was down a lot. I'd love to hear how you're getting on. Did you ache 48 hours after Sunday?

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TJFlute profile image
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36 Replies
AliB1 profile image

Theresa you have amazed me with your determination over the last 94 days...I am seriously impressed and inspired with your achievement. A massive well done to you :) xxx

TJFlute profile image
TJFlute in reply to AliB1

Thank you so much Ali! It's lovely to hear from you! How are you doing since your half marathon? Anything planned for the Summer? x

AliB1 profile image

Having a bit of a hard time of it at the mo...finding it all hard. However, I do know from reading my old blogs I tend to go through phases so hoping I come out the other side soon!! I just keep plodding on!! Got a very local 10k in July and in the same week - 5.6k (followed by beer!!).. Weird is that's the anniversary of my first ever race....gosh where has the year gone. X

TJFlute profile image
TJFlute in reply to AliB1

:( I go through phases too, in fact I was only running once a week, and nothing else before 5x50 came along! The 10K sounds like fun...and the 5.6 with beer!! are you still doing your running club? The only thing I have planned running-wise is a race for life in June. I will have to work out what I want to achieve after this challenge, because I don't want all this fitness to go to waste!

AliB1 profile image
AliB1Graduate in reply to TJFlute

I am still running twice a week...find it hard to fit in a 3rd. ..but not getting any better! Run once a week with the club and the other is Parkrun or on my own. I am off on holiday next Friday so have decided to plod on for now and then give myself a big kick once I get back!

Good luck with our next challenge x

TJFlute profile image
TJFlute in reply to AliB1

Enjoy your holiday Ali, you're very lucky, the bank holiday here looks like it might be a wet one :(

Malcy profile image

Did "Sand Andrews" last night - interesting but not as charismatic as I thought. Just pretty hard work! The ankles were OK though. Today was good - a bit of a headache this morning :( but back home, did the Cults Hill run. It's been a lovely evening but even so I went through a couple of showers. Roll on tomorrow ...

TJFlute profile image
TJFlute in reply to Malcy

Yep, running through sand is jolly hard work. I'm glad that your ankles haven't played up :) Gosh, you've done another run today? I think there must be something luring you to that hill ;) It all sounds impressive Malcy, and thanks for staying with me for the final few days :)

Malcy profile image
MalcyGraduate in reply to TJFlute

It gets me out of washing the dishes ... or rather it gets me out of loading the dishwasher! Seriously though - I've come so far I just want to keep going

My latest wheeze? I may be moving on from my current job. If that comes off, I'm going to celebrate by running the 20 miles or so home on my last day. Or at least try ... but you know how well 'trying' has worked recently. Except there has to come a point at which I reach a limit.

TJFlute profile image
TJFlute in reply to Malcy

You're a man who has no limits, it seems! I love that running has become something you associate with celebration. That's thought- provoking.

jenniej profile image

Good to hear you're back to your old self. Sounds as tho' you're on a roll. I've been a bit tired today, so just did an exercise class after work. That actually energised me so planning an early run tomorrow morning. Mind you could also be the post class glass of wine that's got me going! :)

TJFlute profile image
TJFlute in reply to jenniej

I find exercise classes great when I'm tired; it's good to have someone out front telling me what to do! Enjoy your run tomorrow morning :)

swanscot profile image

I've been reading about strengthening exercises and realised that I'd become very complacent about my (previously injured) IT band and thought it was about time that I paid attention to the muscles that are attached to it. So I did a 40 minutes exercise session working my glutes and inner thigh muscles with the stretch band, and general leg strengthening exercises.

I'm just wondering what to do tomorrow for my run. It feel like ages since I've done a speed intervals session or a tempo run, yet I did both last week!

TJFlute profile image
TJFlute in reply to swanscot

I've never done strengthening exercise in teh gym, before 5x50, but I'm loving the fact that these exercises can focus on specific muscles and therefore help with the running and hopefully keep me injury free. It sounds like we were in the gym at the same time!

Enjoy your run tomorrow!

swanscot profile image
swanscotGraduate in reply to TJFlute

No, I've not been to the gym for years! I did these at home. Hubby had a stretch/physio band lying around from a couple of years ago when he had physio sessions following surgery to insert several pins into his knee cap I also have an areobic step so use this for the step up/step done type leg exercises.

SBG356 profile image

Glad you are feeling more yourself today; it certainly must be taking its toll on you.....

I went for a run this morning as I'm off work, just a short 5k!! Slow as I was a bit achy but enjoyable. :)

Counting down the days for you!


TJFlute profile image
TJFlute in reply to SBG356

I'm glad that it was enjoyable, even though you were achy :) Thank you for counting down the days with me!

SBG356 profile image

Glad you are feeling more yourself today; it certainly must be taking its toll on you.....

I went for a run this morning as I'm off work, just a short 5k!! Slow as I was a bit achy but enjoyable. :)

Counting down the days for you!


greenlegs profile image

I'm still aching a bit too! Glad you're feeling a bit better today.

I went for a very pleasant evening walk in a nearby village and discovered some new footpaths and had several glimpses of the river. Then I thought I'd do a bit of a run as I'd warmed my legs up with the walk. Ugh! Lead legs! I jogged along slowly for six minutes and was then back to my car, so decided that would do for today! I know - if I'd kept going they'd probably have settled down, but they felt as though they were still very much remembering Sunday. Just over 4km altogether, plus a bit of random stretch and flex. That's enough. :)

TJFlute profile image
TJFlute in reply to greenlegs

That's good, it's nice to find new footpaths, or to go down roads you've never tried. Heavy lead legs; yes, I know that feeling! Well done on today and thanks again for keeping me company :)

oona profile image

Not long now, TJ! You've done fantastically well! My Day 53 consisted of 5.2k with the stamina podcast. I've got a pretty mad idea, inspired by you, TJ, and the rest of the 5x50ers, to keep going for 100 days too. Anyone else up for it? :)

gdeann profile image
gdeannGraduate in reply to oona

Whoo-hoo! Way to go oona! I'm going to pass, unless I can count painting the exterior of our home this summer. :-) Please keep us updated!!!!! Gayle

TJFlute profile image
TJFlute in reply to oona

Glad you got a good run in! 100 days lasts FOREVER.

Tati profile image

I blew up my Swiss balls earlier to do some exercises with my son for his physio then thought - I wonder what videos are around on youtube with a ball... So my 30 minutes consisted of watching a very fit and toned man in just his shorts (and hard work that was too) demonstrating these exercises on a sand dune somewhere in America. It's the first time I've ever done a Swiss ball class. Some of it was ok, some was very challenging! I have an historic neck injury which does flare up occasionally so I'm hoping I haven't set it off with some of the weird contortions I was doing.

100 days eh Oona? I was wishing for a night off tonight - please can we stop next week??! But if you are going on I may be forced to join in.

TJFlute profile image
TJFlute in reply to Tati

Now I might have to got in search of this said youtube fit man in shorts! I love swiss ball, and I only did it because of 5x50, it's definitely something that I will continue.

Hope your neck doesn't flare up x

oona profile image
oonaGraduate in reply to Tati

I think I'll have to take the next 50 a bit easier as I pushed myself a bit to put the distance in for the first 50. I suppose the whole exercise thing needs to be sustainable in the long term and not breakneck for 50 days then nothing! :)

Poppy2010 profile image

Hi TJ, I was so tired on Tuesday that I only did a few km walking, and several hours cleaning my house (spent my first day off at home rather than daughters as son was coming up, he arrived at 11.30pm so late night catching up). Set my alarm and did 5k run this morning, went ok, struggle to get off the couch after breakfast as hips/knees had seized up! Better now though! Another late night, going to try and cut 4 feet tall grass in back garden in the morning, tben maybe quick bike ride before going to daughters again! :-)

TJFlute profile image
TJFlute in reply to Poppy2010

Well done on your run. The grass is getting ridiculously long already and we've had masses of dandelions :( Thank you for sticking with me x

gdeann profile image

I rode a bicycle ln spirit for you today Theresa. First time in years! Its an "old school" cruiser bike so no gears. :-) Lets just say I do believe I worked a different group of muscles and my bum is going to need some extra cushioning. :-) Gayle

TJFlute profile image
TJFlute in reply to gdeann

Thnk you Gayle! I haven't been on a bike during the challenge, but wil definitely do it on the next challenge.

Careful how you sit down today ;)

LMS2110 profile image

Hi TJ, as you know, I'm not a 5x50er yet (next time!). I did a mini run only to look for my lost mojo, then spent the day with my 3 yr old granddaughter teaching her all about gardening! I weeded and dug and mowed and planted in the garden - filled 8 tubs with weeds and grass cuttings, then we went out for an ice cream! A hot shower alleviated the backache! Heck, I reckon gardens and 3 year olds are a pretty good match for a gym workout ;) Not long now, enjoy yourself today ... Woopwooop x

TJFlute profile image
TJFlute in reply to LMS2110

Thank you: I am a keen gardener and have tons to catch up on once this challenge has finished. I've held back on the planting and weeding because, like you, I get back ache afterwards, and then it makes doing any exercise twice as hard. Gardening is as good as any gym.

greenlegs profile image

My exercise today has been - gardening! We have visitors at the weekend, and our drive had rather too many dandelions (I do like dandelions, but they were looking a bit out of place, and over-enthusiastic).

So that was a good bit of leg exercise, all that standing up and squatting down. 30 minutes done, and maybe some yoga later for my shoulders.

TJFlute profile image
TJFlute in reply to greenlegs

Unless you're a gardener you don't really know what squats are do you!? Well done, I bet your legs look great now!!

Soozz profile image

TJ, I am in total awe. You are a hero. Don't know how you do it! I haven't done the 5x50', but I will do 5 x 5 with you for the last 5 days of your epic challenge. It might only be 5k on the exercise bike cos I'm working over the weekend but I will be there. X

TJFlute profile image
TJFlute in reply to Soozz

Oh, that's really great! Thank you for keeping me company :)

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