I HAD to do it today because I promised Purbrookian I would yesterday! Woke up at 8.00. Decided I could get out, no problem. Next thing my husband is telling me it was 11.00. EEk. But I had been having a wonderful dream that I was competing with many other runners and feeling a sense of enjoyment. Good omen for the longer runs today? So I set off full of enthusiasm and confident that I could do it (Purbrookian told me it wasn't all that bad, and he was right)
I managed to complete all three runs and did the long walk home concentrating on my posture (string holding my head up) and a big grin! Last time I went out the long walk home was more of a VERY slow drag but today I managed to keep up a respectable pace all the way up the hill! So something must have shifted.
I am still setting off slow and steady but managing to complete all the runs. To all the newbies out there - YOU CAN DO IT TOO, it's all in the mind!
I am so pleased with myself right now - I know I can do this and all the bloggers out there were not fibbing about the feel good part!
Thanks for the encouragement Purbrookian!