Hi all,
Finally, after so much struggle, tears and pain I have done it!!
I started the podcasts weighing a massive 17 stone (I am 5 foot 9 and female) and had several injuries along the course. I took time to recover and was back on it. At times it was extremely difficult and I would be border line quitting then I think it's going to be worth it, dust myself and get up again. I was very conscious of a big fat lump thumping the pavements (Me) but you know what, I did not care what any one thought of that, because I had to do something to lose the weight and become fitter. Yes, it has taken a while but here I am today at 13 stone 6 running for 30 minutes in 28 minutes!!! It's such an awesome feeling
Call to newbies out there, keep at it, if I could do this, anyone can!!
Thank you Laura and all of you. I have not been posting much but been treading all of your amazing posts