PIPS and COPD: Hi everyone. Will my PIPS be... - COPD Friends

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eisie72 profile image
4 Replies

Hi everyone. Will my PIPS be affected if I still smoke? I’m trying so hard to give up by slowly tapering off and have reduced my smoking by two thirds with the method I came up with after numerous attempts over 20 years to stop. My cravings for nicotine were just as bad every day even after two years just stopping cold. I found a method that is still working after eight months. I get really depressed thinking about this and my next PIPS Review.

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eisie72 profile image
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4 Replies
Welshcatlady profile image

I wouldn't think so, however, I know it's really hard to stop smoking, (can't you get the patches or something similar on prescription), but you must persevere as I'm sure you already know, smoking does not help at all.

Carsok profile image

I was a smoker and smoked for 60 years and stopped 3 years ago. I always said I had no desire to stop and then one day was by my car and someone lit a cigarette and for some reason the smell of it just turned my stomach and that was the day I decided to quit. I came home and told my husband I was going to quit and he was so happy and he said today (it was Thursday) and I said no I will stop on Monday. I went out and got patches and on Monday I stopped cold turkey. It wasn't easy but I think you have to want to stop. Even now 3 years later there was times that I want a cigarette so bad but when I have my cousin stay she smokes and smokes outside on the patio and when I walk out there and it smells so bad that confirms my decision not to smoke. Also passing someone who smokes and you can smell it on them. It's hard to stop. As I said I started when I was 16 and smoked until I was 71 so well over 60 years. Don't give up and stay away from people who smoke. I even smoked after my thoracotomy. Maybe try the patches. They worked for me and here we can get them for free. It's hard but don't give up.

Brume profile image

Yes, it's hard to stop smoking! But it can be done - I managed to stop completely 12 years ago after 30 years or so of near-chain smoking which, surprise surprise, is most likely what caused my COPD in the first place. What made stopping possible in the first place was going to a Smoking Cessation clinic near where I worked. It was run by two doctors who were former smokers themselves, and understood how hard stopping can be. This kind of peer support where people trying to stop are supported by people who themselves have already stopped really works. Personally, I found Champix helped as well in the first few weeks, until the cravings faded away (which they will). And I got to say that stopping smoking was the best thing I've done, pretty much ever! It's worth making a start bylooking for services near you, and taking it from there. Here's a link: nhs.uk/live-well/quit-smoki.... All the best for your success!

Galloping profile image

I also had smoked for nearly 50 years and had tried all the usual methods. Then I went to my GP in desperation and went on a twelve week course of Champix which was like a miracle worker. I haven’t smoked for six years now and although there is the occasional urge it passes very quickly. In the early days of quitting Id have an “air cigarette” if I felt the need to smoke. It’s just pretending to smoke and sucking in air and blowing it out like having a cig.

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