I want to buy a nebuliser for home not to use with medication. Is it ok to just use saline and if so what saline do you recommend. Also what nebuliser would you recommend
nebuliser: I want to buy a nebuliser for home... - COPD Friends

Not sure what you meant by "not to use with medication". Hypertonic saline IS medication. Different strengths such as 3%, 5%, and 7%,,,so do ask your physician which, if any, would benefit you.
For a nebulizer, the tabletop versions are less expensive but take up a bit of room. The portables range in price. Flyp is an excellent brand but a bit pricey, however it is completely silent.
Hi Bennela,
First of all I would consult with your doctor or consultant to make sure it is right for you and not going to create any unforseen problems.
I use the Phillips Respironics Innospire Deluxe Nebuliser for home which is lightweight, not too bulky and with a handle so can also be easily used for travel. They are priced around £100 and I bought it online less the VAT after stating my condition is a disability.
I usually use 0.9% Saline sterile solution and neb 5ml each nebulising session. The nebs come in ampoules ranging in size from 2.5ml to 50ml. I normally buy the 2.5ml or 5ml from amazon or online.
There are higher strength saline called Hypertonic Solution which comes in 3%,5%,7% and 9% for the harder to get up sputum. However, as I previously said, it is recommended to consult your doctor or consultant due to the higher sodium (salt) content being absorbed straight into your body.
Hope this helps.