Hi guys
Hope you’re all not doing too bad
Tis the season of the bugs again in U.K.
Currently I’ve got some sort of infection with crackles on my lungs.
I suffer COPD and asthma, drug intolerance to penicillin
So I’m on my third alternative antibiotic this bout of respiratory problems and waiting to be called in for a chest X-ray.
That’s my latest update not including Boston issues but that’s a different forum.
My main issue and reason for title is the last few days since taking tetratracycyline I’ve felt 24 hour urge to vomit because of pressure on chest
And probably excess fluid therefore I’m wondering if it’s ok to take anti emetics to stop the nausea/sickness.
I can’t make myself sick to get it out because of the breathing difficulties and just urgh...any suggestions
I’m stuck at home unable to get to chemist but have some bucca something to stop vomiting