Copd exacerbation : Hello all well I had to... - COPD Friends

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Copd exacerbation

28 Replies

Hello all well I had to phone am ambulance out to me last night blood pressure 250/116 monitored me ie put me in a cubicle walked past every now and then let me have a commode after buzzing for ages I resulted to calling out hello hello got moved to a cooler cubicle in next assessment bay afer what seemed like most of the night blood pressure done bloods done said I was hungry at 6am so got offered a sandwich jeez then more blood taken I struggled to breathe all night then I was given hydrocortisone ouch that hurt and was given a nebululizer I could breathe only had it 10 mins said I wasn't allowed anymore instead of going to cardiac ward was told you can go home what if blood pressure goes up and breathing gets bad again phone again they went I wanted to wait till at least tommorrow as they said even after nebulizer it could start up again we I didn't even get to a ward I got told to pay a taxi £100 to get home over £30 mis away thanks good old nhs I'm 59 scared stiff with stage 4 emphysemia I had to use a commode as I couldn't walk to the toilet my sats kept on dropping being told I don't meet the criteria as I can at least put my arse on a commode in the assessment bay I argued the toss was told to ask my daughter who had worked last night as she works nights to come 30 away and pick me up !!!! No I said no bloody was she will still be sleeping this morning well pay for a taxi what with i said I didn't get pip appantly I don't need anyou help 😠 eventually I was offered a lift home got bad this afternoon with a percripstion for predislone only I need to take same one s I always do guess who didn't have it hospital doctors 4 chemists in nearby town no one can order it it's teva a good make but no try this cheaper make instead my good luck I found 4 days worth instead of the 5 they wanted me to take so 6 tommorrow morning coming up anything given for high blood pressure nope it went down even though not first time it's been high it sometimes happens doctor said today I felt bloody awful yesterday and today I'm feed up with we need your bed how about yes for me !!!! Still don't feel brilliant what do you have to be like dead to be offered a frigging bed a couple of days running texts that's all I want now I'm going to wonder why I should bother if im going through all that to be sent home when I feel I'm not right 😢😢😢😢😢😢

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28 Replies
Hacienda profile image

Oh Hun, This is awful, where the hell do you Live ? as I won't go there. Your treatment was horrendous. I have been taken twice by 999 to Hospital and Treated so well with my exacerbations, that was a few years ago. Thankfully I must be in the right place. Please phone your Consultant immediately to complain, they should have been there to see to you. I can only offer my Sympathy Hun and Hope you feel a little better after Prednisolone. Hugs xxxx

in reply to Hacienda

Believe it or not I only have a consultant as I asked for one and would you believe I got home this afternoon I'm waiting foroom my 1st consultant appointment I get a call we have a cansulation Friday 8.40 am do you want it I have to get someone to drive me there wait a few hrs then take me home and no 3 days notice is not enough well we aim to get you a appointment any time between may and June then I lI've in suffolk by the way over an 1 hr driving away 😠

Hacienda profile image
Hacienda in reply to

Can you use Arriva Ambulance Transport, I have done many

in reply to Hacienda

Not heard of them hun I'll Google it thankyou

Hacienda profile image
Hacienda in reply to

NHS, Provide this Service, In your Area it may be a different Supplier, Yes Google it, as much as I do not like Google, it's worth a try. Good Luck Hun. xxx

in reply to Hacienda

Thankyou they supply the Midlands according to Google now for my area can i ask the nebulizer I used today for 10 mins they said I can't use anymore do you know if I can have this as home

Hacienda profile image
Hacienda in reply to

Hi Hun, Good Morning, I'm not on Nebs at home, but best to ask Respiritory. Shame you don't have a NHS Patient Transfer Service, it seems some areas don't supply it. Keep trying Hun. All the Best. xxxx

in reply to Hacienda

Sorry lost a day that was 2 days notice

in reply to Hacienda

Think I need to move where u from hun

Hacienda profile image
Hacienda in reply to

Nottingham Hun. Xxx

morehope profile image

Hello Kittiecat,

I see that you are in the UK. I'm in the US but we have things in common. I also have emphysema and high blood pressure. As of right this very minute as I write this my BP is 220 over one hundred and something but I don't sweat it. Years ago I had both of my corotid arteries scrapped out as they were both clogged. I don't know if you're aware of this but there are nerve sensors on the walls of these arteries. They are called baro receptors and they are the controlling mechanisms that sense your BP. In my case the scrapping damaged these sensors in one of my arteries leaving me with permanent erratic

BP. I too used to go to hospitals and deal with idiots when my BP went haywire. I then met a very knowledgeable BP doctor who trained me how to take care of myself in BP emergencies. I have my regular BP meds that I use each day. I also have additional "emergency use only" meds that I use, as I am right now, for emergencies.

You have socialized medicine in the UK. You have my sympathy. Here in the US if I needed a CT scan or an MRI I would have it in a day or two or perhaps even the same day. Our Canadian neighbors to the north have a medical system like the UK. Many come down here for tests that they pay out-of-pocket for because they need something NOW and not 2 months down the road.

morehope profile image
morehope in reply to morehope

If I may add an addendum to my own post of 1 hour ago: I said my BP was 220 over 100 and something. It is now 159/71. In another hour I'll have it back to normal. I really am thankful that I crossed paths with that BP doctor who trained me to take care of myself.

in reply to morehope

Wish I had that get to be seen that quickley I'm waiting for 1st respiratory appointment anything up to 18 weeks a week would have been ok so I can arrange transport get seen and hopefully sorted if u feel unwell 18 weeks is bloody unacceptable maybe I should move to a better area

morehope profile image
morehope in reply to

You're more than welcome to the US. But if I may make a suggestion: I'd advise you to sneak in illegally! That way you'll stand a much better chance of staying. If you apply the LEGAL way a newborn will be dead of old age before that will happen. Of late that's the way the US govt operates.

in reply to morehope

Bless think a 50 year old women with a severe breathing problems mIght not get away with that lol what with my weezing and out of breath think I'll be detected straight away 😂😂😂😂 but thanks for the suggestion

Beejee profile image
Beejee in reply to morehope

Morehope, you paint an amazing picture of medical care and response in the U.S. which does not exist for many segments of the population. I wish it were true. BeeJee

valeriejean profile image

I don’t go to hospitals unless it’s feet first. I am much more comfortable at home as I have everything I need there. Except I’ve meds.

in reply to valeriejean

If they would give me a nebulizer my steriods I take antibotics if i needed them and maybe after I have stocked up my body with these a nice lung specialist who has just invented how to get rid of empyhsemia pops over and cures me then I'd stayou at home but do agree I was left for hrs it's like being invisible I had to wait for a commode i am always baffled how there are so many nurses doctors orderlies cleaners in a ward standing around while my buzzer is going off for 15 mins waiting for someone to get me one but just to make it a tad bit more frustrating they turn your cubicle liget off and shut the curtains I just love hospitals then when your still feeling croak they say you can go home now 😠

belzy profile image
belzy in reply to

Go on amazon hunny £30-£40 u can get a brand new nebulizer + get ur doc 2 prescribe u the pippets of ventolin liquid 2 pop in there,dont wait 4 n.h.s.2 give u 1 x good luck hunny x👍💐💙♿😍💛🌞⭐😚🌻🌼

valeriejean profile image

exactly why I stay home. If i have to use the restroom I do not want to wait until it's at their leisure. This all goes out the window of course if you are bad enough then they hook you up to a bag

valeriejean profile image

Go to your Primary Care Physician and explain the need to have meds at home so you don't have to go to the hospital and sit there, only to be sent home. I have a very good PCP and the meds I need, Nebulizer, steriods, antibiiotics, Non invasive ventalator and concentrator. Thirteen years and still holding

in reply to valeriejean

She can't even chase up what was wrong with me what they gave me twice I've asked her to chase up what went on appantly they don't have any record of me being amitted tues eve at all except blood tests how's that for care for you bloody useless I asked about a nebulizer nothing might as well be invisible for all they seem to be taking notice I phoned hospital as well they said they don't know what doctor treated me do i know the doctors name in the meantime I don't know if it's gonna happen again I've never been so frightened and let down was left most of the night struggling to breathe yes I agree a nebulizer should be at home but no one getting any answers for me 😠

Wow, crazy high blood pressure!

I know you seem to be more worried than the hospital were thankyou for that

Mr-W profile image

O bought my own nebuliser from Lidl a few yrs ago. Then I asked my doc to prescribe my Ventolin in nebulae form, which he did & now I also have Atrovent nebules too. now.

My problem is I can be fine & then an flare up & come from no where, this is mucus clinging to my lungs & making it impossible to breathe sufficiently. My stats would drop, lowest they ever dropped to was 57 before the medics arrived just in time. Waited 40 minutes for them as we all know they are v busy. So against my docs advice & after having a period of calling medics out regularly up to 3 times a week just to administer O2 with my own nebules I have bought my own O2 generator. I control my flare ups asap, as soon as my stats are at 88. I don't need to wait for the medics & the panic is very much reduced. haven't needed an ambulance for 5 months.

This is not to tell people what to do but it is what I do. My nhs hospital is the busiest a&e in Wales & after being taken into the resuscitation dept twice I've no doubt due to delays in ambulance arriving. I'm not going through that again.

in reply to Mr-W

Oh my god I don't blame you this was my 1st flare up and if someone would just take me seriously from the health dept I hope to god it dosent happen again but cannot get any answers can i have a nebulizer if not why not its like you want to give them your lung at that flare up and say now I'll completely ignore you while your struggling to breathe then maybe they would know how people feel and bloody well get off their arse and help you 😠

Mr-W profile image

Speak to your GP about prescribing you nebules of your medication i.e. Ventolin/Atrovent & buying yr own nebuliser is easy enough off eBay. Good luck, the nhs though brilliant at times can be the most frustrating of organisations to deal with.

Agree with you there you need someone on your side it's awful feeling so vunable and scared and no help offered things need to change if i could go back I'd change my life completey but I can't 😢

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