My husband just completed 3 rounds of antibiotics and steroids and began to feel a little better but now he is having severe leg cramps at night and really severe cramps just under his rib cage on his right side. Does anyone know what will help? He drinks lots of water and ginger ale all day. Thanks, Mary Ann
Question Again! : My husband just completed... - COPD Friends
Question Again!

Hi well cutting out the ginger ale might help as carbonated drinks can cause symptoms with copd. Can't remember the reason why (failing memory!) but there is info online about it. x
Pickle juice will stop the cramping. He probably needs to have his magnesium and potassium levels checked. There is a magnesium spray that you can purchase that is also helpful for many. It is called EASE.
Thank you, I will see if he can get thone levels checked. Pickle juice, I will make sure he tries that. He thinks it is the tiotropium bromide in his Spiriva inhaler. He stopped it and yesterday no cramping.
Eat a tablespoon of mustard or sugar. I know it sounds gross, but it really helps!
If I don't get the right amount of magnesium, potassium and calcium I get horrible leg cramps. Also for a quick fix try a tablespoon of dill pickle juice (I think it's the vinegar). My husband uses Hyland's leg cramps tablets and he has had wonderful results with that and it's over the counter. Good luck, cramps can be so painful.
My doctor gave me a muscle relaxer and that with lots of water ... also bananas and oranges help with low potassium.. all of that helped. Also tonic water helps. Good luck I know those really hurt!
Thank you everybody for all the responses and yes he has had no more cramps since stopping the Spiriva. I did get him lots of bananas and oranges. I told him to use the pickle juice a little each day just to be safe. Much appreciated your help. Mary Ann
I've been going through to same symptoms, 3 rounds of Levaquin, 4 rounds of prednisone, 3 day stay in the hospital, and leg of cramps at night.
I hope he feels better soon.
I, like you have COPD and I wanted to share this important information as we are a class of patients who may frequently need antibiotics.
I discovered that Doctors may or may not prescribe the correct antibiotic when weighing the side effects versus the present condition of the patient. Only when there is No other choice, should floroquinolones be used as the side effects can include death and crippling illness. Side effects were designated as rare but it has become known that it is really not so rare. FDA in USA have put "black boxes " on their page forloroquinolones, which is their classification for their most dangerous drugs. Having no reaction to the first prescription, in no way means it will be safe the second time.
Types of fluoroquinolones
•ciprofloxacin (Cipro)
•levofloxacin (Levaquin/Quixin)
•gatifloxacin (Tequin)
•moxifloxacin (Avelox)
•ofloxacin (Ocuflox/Floxin/Floxacin)
•norfloxacin (Noroxin)
I was given it for a mild chest infection, a friend received it for a mild ear infection. I am ill now, he is not because I told him to go back to the doctor and get something else. So if prescribed these drugs, ask if there is a different class of antibiotic that will treat your infection and play it safe until it may be your last chance.
Here is a link to the FDA, to their safety announcement.
Thanks for listening