HI my husband, who is 66, has end-stage emphysema. Late last summer we were involved in a scooter accident (I think he passed out) where he broke 8 ribs and got a collapsed lung. We toughed all that out and after 3+ months and getting off a vent and having a trac removed, he came home. Since he came home he has been nasty and seems to disregard all the things I do for him. I honestly think he is mad at me because he has this. Is this common? Then there is the fact he told me his doctors ask if I beat him yet, WTH? I would not do this...he claims the doctors say it is common for spouses to do this. Has anyone hear anything like this before?
Questions about End-Stage Emphysema - COPD Friends
Questions about End-Stage Emphysema

I can understand when my husband first got diabetes he was absolutely horrible called me unthinkable names and has no memory of it, he is fine now but has lost both his legs. It really takes teamwork for us as I have severe COPD and can't do a lot without becoming breathless. We don't fight much anymore my anger comes when he smokes in the house. When he does I get sicker. He is getting better he doesn't like me glaring at him😡
This condition is frustrating for all involved, your husband may feel helpless and be directing it at you. My first thought though was steroids. When I was in the hospital with pnuemonia, I grew uncharacteristically agitated, actually signed myself out AMA, then had to go back. When I asked them to stop the steriods, I calmed down. Once home,mm I refused all meds, inhalers.... I use only medicinal mushrooms and herbs, which clear and heal my lungs and am functioning well if not better then most 50 year olds. No side effects and better health all around. Masking the symptoms by throwing chemical at them would confuse anyones body.
Hi, I'm so sorry that you're dealing with this. Your husband has been through a lot & the meds are probably having an effect on him. I remember when I took prednisone once. I was discharged from the hospital with panic attacks that I struggled getting under control. It took time. Your husband is so blessed to have you caring for him. Be sure to take care of yourself too. It's so important. I'll be praying for your hubby & you, that God bring you both peace as you go through each day.
My first thought is steroids, they can make people change, I've heard that some of the gentlest people started attacking people while on them, and it could be his way of coping, it's someone else's fault that he's sick, try to get him into counseling.