Hi, I was just got diagnosed with COPD, emphysema. I'm 67 yrs. old. I used to smoke 26 yrs ago for about 22 yrs. I'm blessed to have found this site, as it's always helpful to hear from people who share similar experiences. I was hospitalized 2 months ago with difficulty breathing. I went to a pulmonary specialist , who put me on the Spiriva handi-haler. I also use Xoponex inhaler 4x daily, as needed. I find that I'm very fatigued. I used to exercise & was very active. I hope to get back to that soon. I've begun to walk on my treadmill 3 x wkly & do stretch exercises & weights on the opposite days. I've heard that this is important. Thanks for listening.
Newcomer: Hi, I was just got diagnosed with... - COPD Friends

Hi Joy, welcome and I hope you enjoy us in here. I read what you've accomplished and I am so happy for you. I am still trying to kick the smoke thing. I'll do great for a,few days then break down and smoke a couple. It makes me crazy when I do that. I agree with the exercising. It is very important to exercise. I was always so active, as a working Mom, a secretary, waitress 4 nights a week and then became a Louisiana State Policewoman. After my husband passed away I worked until I turned 60. I had 20 hrs service so I retired. Bad decision. I was no longer active. My health dropped down and depression was destroying me. My key here is to exercise. In the last 3 mths I've started exercising again and trying to get back to living again. I hope you will stay with the way you're doing now. Let me know how you are doing . Talk to you later.
Hi Sandy, thanks for sharing your story. You know, if we're honest with ourselves, we see that we've all made some not so good decisions. Our best response is to let it go & like you said...get back to living again. God loves us all, not based on what we've done or not done. We don't know what's ahead for us, but He does. I trust that He will be with us & supply all our needs. He's promised that.
I just went through a year of very difficult changes. I had been caregiver for my parents, who lived with us for 17 yrs. My mom passed away 3 yrs ago & I took care of my dad who just passed away in August at the age of 95. My husband had Parkinson's & dementia. He passed away in March, so suddenly. Then I was just diagnosed in November. I was trying to learn as much as I can when I came upon this site. I'm so grateful for this resource. To be able to receive & give encouragement is so important & I'm blessed to be a part of it. God bless.
I hate hearing the last few years have been rough. I'll be praying for you because I firmly believe that only God can take us through all the hard part of our life. He promised if He takes us to it He will take us through it. He promised He won't give us more than we can stand. Although there has been times I've wondered, "just how much Good Lord?" ;o) This site has been a great place to chat with people who truly know what we're going through. Also the info that we can all share. It's great chatting with you and hope to chat again.
hello Joy i am happy to hear that you are exercising , that is so important when it comes to our health, i hope you improve and keep going,,,, God Bless
You are so very welcome--stay well and keep in touch joyful4u
Hi Joy, thanks for sharing your story. Yes, it is true that exercise is very helpful. I go to pulmonary rehab two times a week, but sometimes I feel too tired to go, but I try to keep up with it. Having someone that understands how you feel is so helpful to me. It's hard for people to understand unless you go through it. Well, I guess I will talk to you again soon. Let me know how you are doing.
Hi Wendy, I'm doing better now, praise God. I began the year with pneumonia & along with emphysema & asthma, it drew all my energy out of me. I'm glad pollen season is just about over. Pollen is not my friend. I'm fortunate that my copd is mild. I found that drinking a lot of water is helpful in dealing with my mucus. That along with exercising, are probably the 2 things we can do to make us better, along with the prescribed meds, of course. I hope you have a good pulmonary doctor. That's surely a good thing. Well, have a good day & keep in touch. God bless, Terri
Hi Joyful I was only diagnosed about 2 weeks ago ! I have smoked for about 25 years which I stopped 13 years ago and now have COPD. Last two years have been getting constant chest infections and catching viruses have been really unwell the last time was really unwell ! Since been diagnosed has really opened my eyes and how to improve my symptoms ! Thank you for sharing your experiences of COPD 😍
I hope your times of not feeling well slow down. I totally agree with you that being diagnosed with copd for 3 years now, have changed me so much, esp my mindset. I think that initially blaming myself for having begun smoking was doing a tune on me. Over time, I've learned that we can make good choices from now on. It's what we do going forward that matters. I do my part & trust God for the rest. My health is in His hands. I'm praying for you, that you continue to improve...one day at a time. 🙏🙏
Thx for asking. Yes ,I feel much better than when I first got diagnosed. I feel blessed that I've come this far. Yes, I still have mild copd. Here's a facebook memory from 3 years ago that says it all. Thought I'd share it with you:
"This Thanksgiving has taken on a newer meaning than ever before. I think of how God is in the details & thankful for it. I'm so very grateful for what seems so small, yet to me are huge...like being able to yawn without being winded...to be able to have a small conversations without being short of breath....being able to stand for 5 minutes without feeling fatigued. For these and for so much more, especially my family &
friends, I thank God.
Happy Thanksgiving to all!"