In a few weeks time I will hopefully be having surgery to reconnect my bowel & I was wondering if anyone had any top tips to help me prepare for the surgery & the aftermath which I gather can be fairly challenging for a while?
Ileostomy Reversal: In a few weeks time... - Living with a Stoma
Ileostomy Reversal

Hi, really pleased you're going to be reconnected soon! I had a reversal 2 1/2 years ago and haven't looked back. Initially I spent a fair bit of time on the toilet, I think I took around 5 imodium a day for the first couple of weeks. But once you get used to what can trigger more frequent visits it's all good. Generally too much fruit & veg sets me - and also a lot of garlic! Depends obviously on how much bowel you have left.
In terms of the surgery, the one thing that may cause an issue is the stoma site. Speak to your practise nurse about that as they have to pack the wound and change it every day until it heals, usually takes about 3 weeks. I booked appointments with my practise nurse for every day after my surgery for 2 weeks - was useful to do as they get very busy!
Good luck!
Hi I had my reversal in March. The recovery was challengeing but so worth it. I had my large bowel removed at the same time. My advise is tiny amounts of food no fibre or fruit. I had horrible diahrroa for about weeks but now I’m so fit and healthy. I’m 60 and had my stoma due to slow transit constipated. Hope this helps x
Hi there I had my end ileostomy reversed 8 weeks ago now and am doing great. It’s truly amazing how after having a stoma for 13 months your colon can kick start back into action and now I’m pretty much regular (1-2/day) and BMs are soft but formed - no diarrhoea! Well only if I go crazy on the salads and fruit. Things were tricky to start with tho and when first home from hospital was going up to 20/day-but it does get better and with me by wk 5 it had settled to 3-4/day. Bowel started up day 3 after op (I had open surgery) which was same day the surgery pain started which was bad timing. Was going so often I had the nurses let me keep the commode next to my bed which really helped as I was practically on it for a full 48hrs! My tips are be as fit and healthy as you possibly can be before op, take sudocrem etc and wet wipes (the water only kind) for sore bottom and when you feel like eating again go slowly with small amounts. Eggs, white rice, mash are good to start with. I can pretty much eat everything and anything now within reason. I agonised all year about having my reversal - another big surgery and saying goodbye to my stoma which I had grown attached to! But I’m so glad I’ve had it done and am now looking forward to getting fit and strong again. Good luck with your reversal and recovery- I hope you have the same outcome as me! 😁
Wow! Thank you so much for your story, it’s really comforting to hear of such a successful outcome. Wishing you continued good health & happiness 😊
Thankyou for the comments had an end illiostomy 6weeks ago and they said cant do the reversal for a year,mine also is slow transit and bad constipation. Hate the bag though,wish i had never had it done but its early days.How was the operation for take down for you .Many thanks
Hi legweak22, I had my reversal at the end of February. My stoma was formed following life threatening complications after a simple day procedure for gallstones. I had my stoma for 18 months & couldn’t wait to have the reversal surgery. My experiences in terms of recovery have all been pretty positive. It took me a number of days to eat & subsequently pass any stool which resulted in a 9 day hospital stay. I then had a very tricky few weeks needing to go to the loo 10+ times daily but now Loperamide is my best friend. I’m just beginning to settle down into a more normal pattern, however still have 2-3 days a week with diarrhoea & as the other posts mention foods which were an issue with my ileostomy, generally remain the cause of issues now, but encouragingly not to the same extent thankfully!
My advice would be don’t be shy of loperamide, follow a similar diet to one you have now, Andrex moist toilet wipes and sudocrem are your essential kit. My local stoma nursing team were also very helpful. Good luck 😊
Thankyou have been worried about the end illiostomy reversal as most people seem to have a loop one ,does it take longer for the reversal being an end . Kind Regards
My surgeon said my reversal surgery would take longer as it was an End ileostomy however in addition I had severe scaring & adhesions that needed to be dealt with. Perhaps you can speak to the stoma team or email your surgeon? Wishing you lots of light & best wishes x
Thankyou my problem was from adhesions on the bowel originally,got myself in a panic when i heard end illiostomy but had it keyhole. Thought at first they could not do reversal but they say you have to wait a year it cant come quick enough. Glad it all went well for you .
Thank you. My organs were literally all stuck together, the had to lift my bowel out and Unseparate them before they could put them back & complete the reversal, they said it was pretty bad & very difficult but they did it! So hope that gives you a positive outcome to think about! X
Hi... I just had my ileostomy on July 2017. I spent 2 weeks in the hospital. After discharged from the hospital...first 2 weeks, I had to go to the bathroom 3 times and still had a bit blood. But after 4 weeks it became 2 times and now just regular 1 time. Just avoid spicy foods and regularly check your wound to the doctor. I had ileostomy due to the complication of endometriosis operation. Good luck!
Easiest op I've ever experienced. In all fairness I've had alot( most very big) but lets not dwell on that, but maybe I'm use to having such major ones i honestly felt this was as simple as can be. Had no extra pain relief post op. No, unless complications/ poor healing etc it doesn't need packing. They always try to go into ilieo ( or as near as possible) to do it. Re keyhole or not. Please remember it makes absolutely no difference to what doing whilst in there, so don't even bother about that. The only difference is the wound.
Remember its still a op, follow usual procedure in recovery. No heavy liffing, etc. Its only 1 night in hospital. Re diet, I can't be much help . I have short bowel syndrome as well as CD so I'm on low residue diet anyway. Good luck. You'll be fine x
Thank you, another positive story! 😊