I am 74 and have an extremely sluggish bowel, as well as a lifelong very sweet tooth.
I've recently been definitively diagnosed specifically with IMO. I'm struggling and am heading pretty inexorably towards an ileostomy. to be situated right at the ileocaecal junction.
With an ileostomy I understand that I would still need to empty out the remaining large bowel, which depresses me, as owing to Muscular Dystrophy, I have little or no pelvic floor muscle tone.
For months now, there is a no urge or any activity for 3-5 days, and the waste ends up as BSC 1 (Bristol Stool Chart), and that is manageable without irrigation, which for me has been ineffective.
If, however, the current pattern of that single episode of Type 1/2 proceeding to turn into frequent, unconscious passage of fairly copious volumes of almost liquid "slurry" (sorry for graphic detail), I find that extremely difficult to manage.
It doesn't seem to fit the picture of: "... constipation followed by 'overflow incontinence'.either. I'd welcome comments on that, please.
And if/when I end up with an ileostomy, I'm very worried about the suddenness and consistency of the stoma discharge., which will be virtually liquid, I cannot move quickly enough to get to a toilet in time to avoid accidents.
Does anyone take high doses of Loperamide regularly to firm up the stoma output? I'd love to hear of people's experience with this. Thank you.