Blood In Stool Relief : I’m writing... - Colon Cancer Conn...

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Blood In Stool Relief

Worrytoomuch90 profile image
7 Replies

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I’m writing this for anyone scouring the internet after finding blood in their stool. I know you’re probably terrified and you’re googling over and over trying to find out if you’re dying. Here’s some comfort for you!

I started noticing flat stools when I was 27 (6 years ago) I was nervous after googling my symptoms and I ended up going to my Primary and telling him. He actually took the flat stools serious enough order me a home colon cancer test kit. I took it and a few weeks later it came back negative.

Years went by and in the back of my mind I still felt something was wrong. My doctor diagnosed me with IBS and I noticed that my bowel movements were very irregular. I would have diarrhea and constipation all the time. Because I didn’t have a colonoscopy, I was still very skeptical about the home test results.

I put the worries to the back of my mind but something still felt wrong. Fast forward to October of this year (2023), I went on a weekend getaway in October. Because of my worries, I made it a habit to at least look at my stool before flushing a few times a week. This particular time, I ate a s’more and had some strong liquor. All of a sudden I had a bad stomachache. I was used to the random stomach pains so I just decided to sleep it off. I got up at around 3am with severe pain and ran to the bathroom. I sat on the toilet for almost an hour with severe cramps and diarrhea. The next morning I went to the toilet again and when I looked in the toilet I saw blood for the first time.

Now I had an internal hemorrhoid at 21 years old so I tried ti convince myself that that’s what it was, but I was scared. I didn’t wait, I called my doctor immediately to schedule an appointment. I forgot that I asked my primary to refer me for a colonoscopy back in Feb rod 2023 (earlier this year) but I forgot about it and missed the appointment. I lied to my doctor and told him I had a brother who had colon cancer so that he wouldn’t blow me off. (Try that if the doctors aren’t taking you serious)

anyway I was scheduled for an endoscopy on Halloween and a colonoscopy on the 28th of November. The endoscopy came back clear besides gastritis, which I knew I had and took meds for already. The only thing left was the colonoscopy and I was terrified about what they might find. I googled myself into a depression. I questioned everything about life. Somehow I convinced myself that I had an internal hemorrhoid and that helped me ease my mind.

On the 28th if November I went in for colonoscopy and by that time I wanted it over and done with regardless of how bad the news was. I found out that I didn’t have a tumor or any polyps, the bleeding is coming from Colitis. They took a biopsy to figure out what’s triggering it so they can decide how to treat it. It sucks but I was very relieved to find out what was wrong with me. I knew it wasn’t nothing, but I also knew not to wait.

So if you’re reading this stop googling. For your own sake, I know it’s easier said than done, but it won’t make this any better. Also don’t wait and don’t take no for an answer. Lie if you have to. If that’s what it takes to be taken serious. Don’t wait until your symptoms get worse to get a colonoscopy. I know it’s scary but it can save your life. I told myself that no matter what I would write about my experience to help someone else.

Go get checked please don’t wait and don’t take no for an answer. Also don’t google. Listen to your body. You’ll be ok I’m attaching pics of my stool because it helped for me to see if people had the same thing going on as me. There are people who say if it’s bright red don’t worry, or if it’s mixed in to worry. None of that is true to you. All of us have our own special scenarios.

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Worrytoomuch90 profile image
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7 Replies
Kuboy74 profile image

Thank you for sharing

GCCA-Survivor profile image

Hi Worrytoomuch90,

Thanks for posting with us. You have a great story and no doubt you are helping others as they read this. It is very true the you can google yourself into depression. During my clinical trial, I always wanted to have some questions ready to ask. I was flat out told to stop googling stuff. I did stop.😁

You also share a great message about being taken seriously. Many of the messages here are dealing with that very issue. It is shocking, but yes it is still going on and you have to absolutely advocate for yourself. What ever it takes is what needs to be done. Personally, I had good doctors and cancer research hospitals near me. I do see a lot that do not have this. You have to fight.

I'm proud of you and appreciate you sharing your message. It's an important one that needs to be heard. I put your post in the "Pinned Posts" section of this page as it does pertain to a lot on this site. We also hope you are doing better in dealing with your Colitis.

Thank you,


AVK86 profile image

Is it possible to live normal life with your disease?

Worrytoomuch90 profile image

the doctor put me on 3 different meds and after about 3 months the blood stopped

AVK86 profile image
AVK86 in reply to Worrytoomuch90

And I was waiting for so long to finally decide make a colonoscopy and I think its really too late...

I got blood in my stool for many years but too fool to make this procedure earlier. No chance

AVK86 profile image

Its cancer without any doubt

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Worrytoomuch90 profile image

did you get a scope yet. Try not to self diagnose

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