Hi, i just had my appointment with a GI specialist. She recommended a colonoscopy after performing a physical and rectal exam on me. While explaining,she said be ready for a biopsy too. Does this mean she felt something that needs to be biopsied? Or even when there is nothing, is it still possible to perform biopsy? Extremely worried here. I'm just 20 years old.
Does biopsy during colonoscopy mean c... - Colon Cancer Conn...
Does biopsy during colonoscopy mean cancer???

It's normal to take biopsies during a colonoscopy, you won't notice when it's done and doesn't mean the doctor suspects cancer.
They take biopsy to check if you have chrons, colitis or even a infection. Does not mean they are looking or expecting anything sinister.

Hi Rain_ism ,
No need to panic just yet - biopsies are how many conditions are diagnosed including celiac disease, Crohn's disease, and others.
When will your colonoscopy be happening?
A rectal exam has a very limited view, so it is not unusual if you are experiencing symptoms that a doctor would want to perform a colonoscopy. A rectal exam performed digitally (with their hands) doesn't give them a lot of answers.
Try not to get too anxious until you know for sure what you are dealing with. There are so many potential GI conditions, many of which are managed with medication, changes in diet, etc.
Let us know when you'll have your colonoscopy - in the meantime, we're thinking of you!
~Nicole@ GCCA
Hello, i appreciate this. Unfortunately, it seems like my family won't push through with the colonoscopy as they said it's too costly.
Hello Rain_ism ,
I'm sorry to hear this - when a GI recommends a colonoscopy, it really should be performed. There are screening programs that can cover all or most of the cost of the colonoscopy. I'll send you a private message to get more information on where you are located so we can try to connect you with a program so you can get screened. It is important that you get this colonoscopy and cost should not be preventing you from getting a medical procedure done that has been recommended by a specialist.
~Nicole @ GCCA
I had a colonoscopy 3 weeks ago after treatment for colon cancer. 4 polyps removed and two biopsy taken. All clear.
A friend had one at start of the year 6 areas taken for biopsy all clear.
Its great your doctor is sending you for this very important exam and fingers crossed for you