Blood in stool: Hello I'm Daniel... - Colon Cancer Conn...

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Blood in stool

Danielll profile image
26 Replies

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Hello I'm Daniel 22years old, last week I experienced diarrhea with blood and mucus in it, after that my Dr suggest for poop test and its positive, my Dr suggest some medicine good for 1week, as of now my stool look like yellowish bright with mucus in it(sorry for graphic), I just need some advice regarding of my symptoms, my upper belly always burning and I can't have good sleep at night, is it better to get a colonoscopy? Plss help me I'm still young and I feel terrified:<

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Danielll profile image
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26 Replies
Schnoodle2017 profile image

hi Daniell, did you have FIT test? It’s a test where there stick to brush across the poo. Then you hand the test back to reception to be processed. Or was it more of an actual poo sample test. The FIT test measure haemoglobin levels in or on poo. That tells you about level of blood markers.

Doctors normally sent people with positive FIT tests for colonoscopy. I assume the doctor did a rectal exam?

Danielll profile image
Danielll in reply to Schnoodle2017

My Dr said that if I haven't feeling well after 1week of medication, we need a colonoscopy, as of now my stool is yellowish with mucus in it(the visible blood is gone). Regarding of my laboratory exams I want to ask again my Dr since I'm young and I'm not good at like this, all I know in my samples that my poop positive have a blood that's when a test after I experienced blood in stool,

Danielll profile image
Danielll in reply to Danielll

Sorry for wrong grammar 😭

Schnoodle2017 profile image
Schnoodle2017 in reply to Danielll

that’s okay.

It sounds like you’re taking the medication doctor has given you. If you feel worse during the week, go back the doctors and let them know. If you’re doing fine, keep an eye on your poo. Go back to doctor if things aren’t normal. I hope your doctor wants to see you or phone you for a review after the week.

If you think it helps, write down the questions you want to ask you doctors. You can bring the paper with questions when you see doctor face 2 face or, have them ready when/if doctor rings.

You can request a recirculate anyway. You can choose face 2 face visit or telephone call.

Hope this helps. Don’t worry too much. You’re already doing something about it. Take it one day at a time and pay attention to your poo, how you feel when abd after going to the toilet.

Danielll profile image
Danielll in reply to Schnoodle2017

Thankyou somuch for help, I badly need someone to talk about this, I feel lonely in my condition😭😭

Danielll profile image
Danielll in reply to Schnoodle2017

Early in the morning, still my stool is watery, it's like it's more passing faster tru my large intestine, maybe I need a colonscopy to verified if I have a ibd or much worst, isee mucus in it btw:<

Schnoodle2017 profile image
Schnoodle2017 in reply to Danielll

seeing mucus is fairly common mind you. I get that with me. I have IBS. Had it for years. Mucus is VERY common with IBS. Don’t worry too much. A colonoscopy would settle matters as you’ll find out what’s going on. Try not to think the worst (hard I know) as colonoscopy will often find anything wrong other than cancer. There are so many things that could be doing this to you. Even the smallest complain can affect us badly. Our bodies are good at telling us when something isn’t right.

Danielll profile image
Danielll in reply to Schnoodle2017

May I know what you've been experienced like symptoms of lbs

Schnoodle2017 profile image
Schnoodle2017 in reply to Danielll

with IBS I’ve had diarhea at times. Then constipation. Have mucus very often after pooing. Stomach craps, intestinal pain sometimes. It can make me feel tired, sometimes drained. Certain foods mske it worse while other foods don’t effect my stomach much.

Fatty foods, pastries can aggravate IBS.

Danielll profile image
Danielll in reply to Schnoodle2017

For now I have pain in my upper left side abdomen, it's like a stomach craps or something passing my left side stomach

Schnoodle2017 profile image
Schnoodle2017 in reply to Danielll

upper left stomach… hmmm… an abdominal ultrasound would be another option. To get images of your stomach. Especially where the pain is. It looks like you said that you have to pay for treatment?

Oh dear. Well, least you can plan for what you might have to pay for I suppose.

Danielll profile image
Danielll in reply to Schnoodle2017

My poop still watery, do I need a colonoscopy?

Schnoodle2017 profile image
Schnoodle2017 in reply to Danielll

how long has it been since you’ve taken the medication. You’re on it for a week, right?

Danielll profile image
Danielll in reply to Schnoodle2017

Yess the medication Dr gave me is good for 1week only, so far I don't see any blood in my stool but it still watery, every morning when I wake up I discharge 2 to 3 times a day at morning, I've been taking the medication at may9

Schnoodle2017 profile image
Schnoodle2017 in reply to Danielll

may 19. I reckon you’ve finished the course now. Only thing you can do is go back to the doctor. Tell him what medication has done for you. Tell him the problems you still have.

A colonoscopy is a good idea for you. If you can get one. I’d chat with your doctor. Don’t give up.

Danielll profile image
Danielll in reply to Schnoodle2017

Maybe Monday, cuz now my stool stiill yellowish, I'm just building my courage to take colonoscopy since it my first time, andd someone told me if I already tried that it's continuous that's they said I have some pic of my stool rn in morning, I always eat white rice and fish still my stool like this(sorry for graphic photo)

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Schnoodle2017 profile image
Schnoodle2017 in reply to Danielll

what did that person mean when they said once you have colposcopy it’s continuous?

I don’t that’s what happens when you have colonoscopy. Many people who do have a lot of colonoscopy's during there will be because they have conditions that need regular monitoring. There are many people out there that will have only one colonoscopy in their lifetime. Don’t worry thst if you have one, you’ll have them for life. That doesn’t happen for a lot of people that have had one colonoscopy. Even those who had more than one colonoscopy in their lives won’t ending having the procedure for the rest their lives.

It’s definitely a good idea to have one. After my stomach ultrasound, they want to do more imaging. That’s only to do with cyst on my kidney. They want to keep an eye for now surgery can’t just remove it. They told me there’s no need for more scans on liver and pancreas. I’ll just have full blood work check that things are still okay. 😊

Danielll profile image
Danielll in reply to Schnoodle2017

Maybe nextweek I gonna convince my mother that I need a colonoscopy, any side affect after the procedure? Regarding for your health besh wishes to heal fast ❤️

Schnoodle2017 profile image
Schnoodle2017 in reply to Danielll

thank you 😊

I’ve never had a colonoscopy so I don’t know for sure. I’ve Red some information on it on our NHS website. They say that many will experience pain or saorness in the bowel. It normal and will ease. It’s normal for bleeding to happen during poo for one to two days at the most. This likely doesn’t happen to everyone.

You make a new post here about you wanting a colonoscopy. Tell about concerns and prople who hav had them can tell you their experience. They can reassure you much, much better than me.

I’ve only had x-rays, ultrasounds and a heart CT scan in my life.

tony11173 profile image

In UK, a positive FIT, probably will result in colonoscopy or something similar. Unfortunately, bowel cancer doesn't care about age. However, positive FIT could be many things. Best wishes.

Danielll profile image
Danielll in reply to tony11173

My doctor refer me for colonoscopy tomorrow, goodluck for me I hope their is nothing wrong about me, as of know my stomach is fine, I don't feel any pain or cramping, I just shared a copy image of stool that have mucus or saliva in it on my doctor, tomorrow best wishes that nothing wrong with me❤️

Danielll profile image

I will share my result of my colonoscopy, Im just anxious because maybe there are side effects on colonoscopy, it's my first to so hihi

Dunandjam profile image
Dunandjam in reply to Danielll

Hi Daniel, I can understand that you feel so worried about having the colonoscopy done, I was the same when I had one booked a couple of years ago. I did mention to the man who did it that I was nervous and could he ensure I have something to sedate me, and he did. I didn't get any pain whatsoever and wasn't aware of what went on, If I am perfectly honest the worst part was having to take the medication the night before to clean my intestines etc out! It's quite difficult but not painful, and the whatever I had didn't taste very nice. I hope I've been helpful to you and I wish you all the very best.

Danielll profile image

I'm very thankful of you guys, as of now I don't experience blood in stool, so me and my family discuss we need to observe first 1week, if my poop didnt back to normal, we gonna go to colonoscopy, I'm sorry guys if I have to delay it a week cuz we are poor, we don't have enough money, so my Mom discuss that we just need to observe 1week, is it okay guys? As of now I just experienced like burning in my upper abdomen like acid reflux, my doctor gave me a food supplement that support my stomach, for those people looking and concern of my health, thankyouuu guys thankyou

Danielll profile image

I followed all people commenting on my symptoms, I hope I can chat with you in the future thankyou guys

GCCA-Survivor profile image

Hi Danielll,

Thanks for reaching out on Colon Cancer Connected. I’m glad to see you are being very proactive in finding out what’s going on. You are experiencing symptoms that definitely need some good answers. Any pain and blood in the stool should be checked out.

You are also very young. That is a good thing. But please know you should never accept a diagnosis based on your age. Never let any doctor tell you you’re too young for this or that. The symptoms need to drive the procedures to determine what’s going on. And from what I see, you are getting that done.👍👏

Have you had your colonoscopy yet? You have gotten some awesome advice on this site by those contributing. I am one of those who has had a lot of colonoscopies. I’m on the good side of surviving a stage four colon cancer diagnosis. As a part of my surveillance, I get an annual colonoscopy, an annual CT scan, and an endoscopy every three years. I also get annual blood work as well.

The colonoscopy is nothing to fear. The hardest part is doing the prep work to clean out your colon before the procedure. You have to follow the instructions and with that and I have some ideas on how to make that better if you want to hear them. I always get full sedation. I try to have the procedure done in the morning so I can spend the rest of the day relaxing. It doesn’t affect me that much but I do give it a day before I go back to work or do anything physical. It can leave you a little groggy afterwards. With full sedation the procedure is no big deal. You go to sleep and when you wake up the doctor tells you the findings. My procedure actually takes 15-20 minutes and the rest is recovery before going home. I actually find it to be the most restful time. I look forward to the procedure when they start to put me on sedation. It is so relaxing. The sedation they give me is called propofol.

We do issue the best in getting answers from your colonoscopy. Again, I have some ideas about how to make the preparation for the colonoscopy those smoother. Please let us know what you find out. That type of information that could be helpful to others on this site.

Thank you,

~Tom, GCCA Survivor - Colon Cancer Connected Site Administrator.

Just a reminder - this group is here to offer support, share experiences, and offer our thoughts - but this is not medical advice, and you should always consult your medical professional(s). Additionally, for all emergencies, seek urgent medical care, never delay.

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