Still waiting colonoscopy bleeding ge... - Colon Cancer Conn...

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Still waiting colonoscopy bleeding getting darker

Lillyjay10 profile image
14 Replies

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So sorry for the picture iv insoected my kids poop so often injust never really cake to terms with showing mine off

So im going out of my mind still waiting for colonoscopy its becoming a stress getting the mail everyday my gp told me 2weeks wait iv now been waiting around 8

I have searched hundreds of pictures and can not find the type of blood that i have so im hoping someone here has had something similar and had an update on what is could be going on

I know all our bodies are different im just looking for the good and bad that could come from my colonoscopy

Oh and the bleeding iv had has turned darker now and more

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14 Replies
GCCA-Survivor profile image

Hi Lillyjay10,

Thanks for posting again. It's great to hear from you but hate you are still having to deal with not having some answers. I hope the babies are doing well.

I really can't believe you are still waiting on the colonoscopy. Eight weeks since the positive FIT and a month since you posted about it. Are you in UK? Just trying to figure out a way to accelerate the procedure for you. I know you said you had a 1 hour & 20 min ride to the nearest hospital. What is your doctor saying when you contact them about the appointment? I would think you'd need to push it there with your doctor? Ask you doctor who they are dealing with at the hospital and then contact that person.

I do a surveillance colonoscopy annually. Where I am in the US there is a 3 month out scheduling, but I am not displaying symptoms. I can get one much quicker if I were displaying symptoms.

I wish I knew how to expedite this for you. Maybe someone will contribute here on this post with some ideas.

We do wish you the best in getting this done. Thank you for updating us. It is eye opening to see what you are having to deal with.

Please enjoy your kids. I'm sure they are good at keeping you mind off of this issue.

Thanks again,

~Tom, GCCA Survivor - Colon Cancer Connected Site Administrator.

Just a reminder - this group is here to offer support, share experiences, and offer our thoughts - but this is not medical advice, and you should always consult your medical professional(s). Additionally, for all emergencies, seek urgent medical care, never delay.

Lillyjay10 profile image
Lillyjay10 in reply to GCCA-Survivor

Hi thank you again for your reply my boys are doing amazing.Yes i am the UK everytime i call the doctor surgery im justbtold ite bevause im diabetic they meed to make sure i have an early morning apointment indid question this and asked dr why that would make any difference atball to muly diabetes and fasting for the test as no matter what time of day i am seen the fasting and prep ahould stay the same just different times of the day.

I have called for the previous 3 weeks now i think it os generally just our NHS struggling still with back logs from covid at the moment.

I am atba point now i just need the answers whatever they may be i have been looking at private hospitals the closest one being over 2 and a half hours away but i just need those answers now. I think at the moment the unknown is driving me crazy alot of thoughts playbin my head from is it something dietary will i have to change mybwhole lifestyle and diet again as i have only just got back on track from diabetes diagnosis and then also the small partbin my mind telling me it is something more serious that needs managed as soon as possible.

Thank you again for your reply its very much apreciated hopefully i can come back with an update soon

Alloagirl profile image
Alloagirl in reply to Lillyjay10

Hi Lillyjay, I have to ask have you been referred to a hospital. If so have they phoned you with your timetable of what will happen. I had a positive FIT test last December. I was put on the 2 week pathway. It didn’t happen as easily as that but at least I had a follow up letter from the hospital with numbers to ring on it. I had to phone them a few times and it took about 4 weeks to get my colonoscopy. If you have numbers for your hospital keep phoning until you get an answer. You could also contact PALs for that hospital. They will mediate for you to get the tests you need. After all they must have many diabetics needing a colonoscopy. I did not have cancer but diverticulosis and haemorrhoids, also they took away 4 benign polyps. So not everything is cancer. Keep on at the doctor and say it is causing you anxiety. Or better still the hospital if you have the no. Good luck.

Lillyjay10 profile image
Lillyjay10 in reply to Alloagirl

Thank you as luck has it i have just had an apointment arrive in the post for the 11th July wich has taken my anxietys away a little now i have a date its an early morning apointment so im taking previous advice and moving the prep up an hour as its such a long drive to the hospital im just glad i will have answers finally

Alloagirl profile image
Alloagirl in reply to Lillyjay10

That’s great. One more bit of advice, make sure you take all the prep and follow the diet advice for the day previous to your prep. As I have said many times on here, you need a clean and clear bowel for them to see everything. Otherwise you have to have a second one, try not to worry, it will soon be over and they can let you know straight away , no hanging about for an answer. The best thing is the cup of tea and biscuits after lol. X

GCCA-Survivor profile image
GCCA-SurvivorAdministrator in reply to Lillyjay10

That's great. Yeah!!! With that long drive, you may want to move it up 1 1/2 just to make the trip more comfortable. And Alloagirl is right ... "take all the prep and follow the diet advice for the day previous" ... You Got This!!!!

We wish you all the best for positive answers and direction.


Lillyjay10 profile image
Lillyjay10 in reply to GCCA-Survivor

You guys have given great advice its 2 days until colonoscopy can i ask do i avoid milk from today and is orange lucozade classed as clear liquid my booklet says i can drink lucozade wich im opting for being diabetic but wasnt sure if the orange one would be ok

GCCA-Survivor profile image
GCCA-SurvivorAdministrator in reply to Lillyjay10

Good questions. I would keep it on the clear side just to play it safe. Maybe avoid the milk. The orange lucozade looks ok. I drink a lot of the lime gatorade for the hydration and electrolytes. Just nothing red. I usually mix the fruit punch & lime for my hydration. But colonoscopy days, I back off the fruit punch since it's red.

Good luck. You've got this.

Lillyjay10 profile image

Thank you both so much for your replys and advice i will be back to update once i have had the procedure

Sunshine8240 profile image

This is great you have the colonoscopy tomorrow. I drank the orange sports lucozade before mine (the one that's not fizzy). I also sucked a couple of fox's glacier sweets, had ice pops, jelly (not red) and bovril. This helped with the hunger. I drank the moviprep through a straw which seemed to make it taste slightly less disgusting! Tried adding orange squash too but it was still gross! Also tried a sip of moviprep followed by a sip of something nicer like squash!Good luck. Sending positive vibes xxx

Lillyjay10 profile image

Just come to update i have been diagnosed with ulcerative colitis and divercular dissease the dr was very surprosed as my inflamation test came negative thankfully nothing to sinister and all managable. Prep not as bad as i tought and was all cleared out and had a good night sleep by 11pm

Sunshine8240 profile image

Hi Lillyjay10. So pleased you have a diagnosis so that you can now start treating it and don't need to worry about it being anything more sinister. You must be relieved! Will they give you steroids? X

Lillyjay10 profile image
Lillyjay10 in reply to Sunshine8240

Thank you erm with being diabetic iv to avoid steroids so once all my biopsys are back im back to hospital to discuss options

Lillyjay10 profile image

sorry im back again not sure weither i should go back to my gp or not i saw one last month and in the end it was just the diverculitis i was diagnosed with

I saw a new gp last month for antibiotics as stool been getting much worse and he said people with diverculitis have a break between bleeding and if continued there would have to be more investigation again as its not normal even with diverculitis to bleed for over 3 years now

Now its completely changed to darker blood im not sure weither to go back to gp urgently as i have this change now or if anything else would be diagnosed as its not even a year since my colonoscopy

Just overthinking and stressing a little

I have taken a picture from this morning amd can attatch it just looks so different to previous

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