So I have my colonoscopy prep today and then tomorrow is the big day. I am so super nervous. My nerves have almost got my mind off the reason I’m going to get checked. I have weird pressure in my anal cavity. It hasn’t gone away in 3 weeks and this is its second recurrence. I’m nervous for the prep, the test and the result. Anyone else going through the prep right now? Or does anyone have any insight on a colonoscopy that has had one before? I’m scared of everything about this as Ive heard it can also be a dangerous Procedure to get.
Colonoscopy Prep today. Anyone else? - Colon Cancer Conn...
Colonoscopy Prep today. Anyone else?

Hello Anonymous111111, Thanks for posting, and hopefully by now you've made it through the prep. Many people will tell you that the prep and that experience of emptying your bowels entirely is the worst part. But for every sip, or trip to the bathroom, just remember how important it is to not have anything in your colon that would prevent the gastroenterologist from getting a good view of your colon.
As with most procedures, there can be risks, and there can be risks with getting a colonoscopy, but the complication rate is around 1%, which means that most people agree the benefit of a colonoscopy outweighs the risk.
Please keep us posted with how the colonoscopy goes and good luck!
Hi. I had a colonoscopy done a week ago. Like you I was nervous ahead of time about both the prep and the procedure itself. With hindsight I worried in vain. The procedure was straightforward and neither painful nor very unpleasant. The prep was also pretty easy and took about 6 hours the evening before. All in all, I now wonder why I was so worried about it. And, lunch after the procedure was great as I was starving! Good luck.
Thank you for your reply, I’m Done the colonoscopy. They actually only ended up doing a sigmoidoscopy which was strange but apparently they deemed the problem to be Hemmeroids. So I guess that’s good news. I remember bits and pieces of what was going on but not very much, just glad it’s over and I’m allowed to eat again. I was also so very hungry. I think the hunger was the worst part. Glad yours went well too!
I’ve had 2 colonoscopys and the worst part is the prep drink , it is absolutely disgusting , the first time I never got sedated and it was a little uncomfortable but the second time I got sedated and I didn’t feel a thing,it’s weird your having it done but you don’t realise your having it done even though your awake,I had cancer but I’m totally cured now thank god,they will ask you do you want to be sedated, I think it’s the best option
Thank you for your reply. So glad you are doing well now. I had the procedure done although they turned it into just a sigmoidoscopy. Found some Hemmeroids and determined that was the problem. Procedure definitely wasn’t as bad as the prep. I’m just glad it’s done with now. Quite a stressful 48 hours. I did get sedated but I remember bits and pieces of the procedure. It’s so weird to only remember some and not all.

Glad to hear it is over with and that you got some answers. Remember if anything doesn't feel right, keep following up with your health care team until you get answers. Thankfully it sounds like it was internal hemorrhoids causing your discomfort, but so important that you followed through to make sure it was nothing more serious! All the best, Nicole