Post colonoscopy: Well, the dreaded... - Colon Cancer Conn...

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Post colonoscopy

Digger0 profile image
45 Replies

Well, the dreaded colonoscopy has been done! I think the prep stage and the starvation and no fluids was worse than the actual procedure. I had gas and air (as I have bad reactions to the sedative) and they found 4 pre-cancerous polyps which they removed. Hopefully, that will be all the treatment I need :)

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Digger0 profile image
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45 Replies
GCCA-Survivor profile image

Hi Digger0,

Thanks for posting in Colon Cancer Connected. That is awesome news👍. Early detection is key and you did just that. So, what did they tell you about future screenings?

~Tom, GCCA Survivor - Colon Cancer Connected Site Administrator.

Just a reminder - this group is here to offer support, share experiences, and offer our thoughts - but this is not medical advice, and you should always consult your medical professional(s). Additionally, for all emergencies, seek urgent medical care, never delay.

Digger0 profile image
Digger0 in reply to GCCA-Survivor

They sent 4 polyps off for biopsy so will expect more info in 2 weeks or so. The test was due to a +ve fit test, so the biopsies will be done by the Bowel Cancer Screening Program not the hospital.

Digger0 profile image
Digger0 in reply to GCCA-Survivor

Have just spoken to the bowel screening people at the hospital - my biopsies are all clear 🥂🎉. So just screening in 3 years again! Good luck to all having colonoscopies.

MOLLYMILO007 profile image

Well done ,.that's great that they removed them ..and hopefully the end of your worry x

Digger0 profile image
Digger0 in reply to MOLLYMILO007

Hope so, thank you.

Clydeiknowyou69 profile image

Glad the dreaded colonoscopy is done and they removed your polyps. Bestof luck for the future. I have my colonoscopy on the eleventh of May. Hoping for a good outcome.

Digger0 profile image

Thank you

Alloagirl profile image

Great news. The colonoscopy seems to be different for each person. The sedative did not work for me but some do not even remember anything. Hopefully everything will work out well for you. They seemed to know my polyps were benign and so it proved. I was done on the two week pathway. So the hospital were involved. Early detection is the way to go. Good luck for the results.

Clydeiknowyou69 profile image
Clydeiknowyou69 in reply to Alloagirl

I don't think the sedation worked for me either remember everything, watched the screen.

Digger0 profile image
Digger0 in reply to Clydeiknowyou69

I actually enjoyed watching the screen! I imagined the little brown worm bottom left (which shows where the scope is) with eyes :) The nurses were great and cheerful - one who measure a polyp when removed sake if I wanted to see the ruler she used - it was 18" long (the ruler not the 1mm polyp)

Clydeiknowyou69 profile image

Had my colonoscopy yesterday. Two polyps found and removed. One tattooed. All seems well. So relieved.

Mistygigs profile image

Hi so pleased this procedure went well for you and the outcome reassuring. I hope you don't mind me asking but what were your symptoms originally and the reason your GP referred you for a colonoscopy? I m due to have a colonoscopy on Sunday after a positive FIT and weight loss. Anxiety levels are running at maximum.

Digger0 profile image
Digger0 in reply to Mistygigs

Hi. I had a positive fit test as well, but no symptoms. A friend who had a positive fit test, weight loss and bleeding also had one on Sunday and her's was clear! They think the bleeding was from a haemorrhoid. Good luck. The worst bit is the prep. Make sure you have some good barrier cream. Are you having sedation or gas and air?

Mistygigs profile image
Mistygigs in reply to Digger0

Been told I will be having sedation which I m not too anxious about. I will be prepping this Saturday for the Colonoscopy at 2pm Sunday. Just anxious about what the findings maybe. Just trying to stay brave and find all the blogs and yours most recent helpful and realising I m not the only one going through uncertain and worrying times. Obviously afraid of the Big BC!! Thank you so much for replying . . I wish you and your friend well 🙂 keeping strong 💪 x

Mistygigs profile image
Mistygigs in reply to Mistygigs

Barrier cream is now on my shopping list 😄 x

Digger0 profile image
Digger0 in reply to Mistygigs

I also purchased some Tena pants! Mainly so that I could wear them when trying to get some sleep after my1st dose of gunk at 7.00pm and my second dose at 6.00am. They gave me a sense of security that I would not have an accident in the bed :) I didn't have a mishap but the security was good :)

Clydeiknowyou69 profile image
Clydeiknowyou69 in reply to Mistygigs

I had alternating diahorrea and constipation, stomach pain, left side. My fit test was positive for blood, so hence the colonoscopy. Hope all goes well for you. Good luck. xx

Mistygigs profile image
Mistygigs in reply to Clydeiknowyou69

Thank you so much and thanks for the tips. . How did your colonoscopy go. . Have you had your results x

Digger0 profile image
Digger0 in reply to Mistygigs

I had the print out of what they did on the day - removed 4 polyps which were sent off for biopsy. I had a phone call today (Thursday) to say that the results were back and everything was fine and I'd be invited for another colonoscopy in 3 years.

Mistygigs profile image
Mistygigs in reply to Digger0

Absolutely fantastic news. So happy for you 💓 Thank goodness you had everything checked and for the colonoscopy x👍

Digger0 profile image
Digger0 in reply to Mistygigs

My hospital does a short video explaining the procedure. The only thing wrong is the "patient had the gown on the wrong way round - it does up at the back! It might help you :)

Mistygigs profile image
Mistygigs in reply to Digger0

Thanks Digger0 really kind of you to post this video. Really helpful x

Digger0 profile image
Digger0 in reply to Mistygigs

It at least gave me an idea of what to expect :) Enjoy your last day of food :)

Mistygigs profile image
Mistygigs in reply to Digger0

Yes 😋 prep starts tomorrow at 12 noon. Thank you for your best wishes 🙏

Digger0 profile image
Digger0 in reply to Mistygigs

Just to let you know that we'll be thinking of you tomorrow. Good luck with everything and let us know how you get on. I presume you have had the 1st drink by now.

Mistygigs profile image
Mistygigs in reply to Digger0

Well all done yesterday and left hospital around 6pm. Thank you for your support and message- I needed it! And helped me so much 👌 Colonoscopy carried out successfully and have been diagnosed with Diverticulitis! No polyps and nothing sinister was reassured on my print out. Had the sedation thank goodness and was still able to see the camera go round on the screen and could see everything. I am so thank full 🙏 and can now move forward in trying to manage the Diverticulitis and it's symptoms. Anyone out there please please always push for this procedure if you have any concerns. It can save your life! ❤💪❤

Digger0 profile image
Digger0 in reply to Mistygigs

Great news, well done! You now know what to do to look after your Diverticulitis :)

Clydeiknowyou69 profile image
Clydeiknowyou69 in reply to Mistygigs

Great news, hope they can manage your symptoms going forward now.

Clydeiknowyou69 profile image
Clydeiknowyou69 in reply to Mistygigs

I had two polyps, both removed, one tattooed. All good so far.

Digger0 profile image
Digger0 in reply to Clydeiknowyou69

Good news

Clydeiknowyou69 profile image
Clydeiknowyou69 in reply to Digger0

Thank you.

Clydeiknowyou69 profile image
Clydeiknowyou69 in reply to Digger0

Did you have any pain following your colonoscopy. I have pain high up on left side. Still sore today. Two days since procedure?

Digger0 profile image
Digger0 in reply to Clydeiknowyou69

More of a trapped wind pain, and I was farting for 4 days :)

Mistygigs profile image

😊 I will let you know how I get on . . Thanks Digger0 for all your advice . . All noted ✅ x

Clydeiknowyou69 profile image
Clydeiknowyou69 in reply to Mistygigs

I bought intimate wipes from Tesco, also petroleum jelly as a barrier, both helped, again, good luck.

Digger0 profile image
Digger0 in reply to Mistygigs

good luck :)

Sunshine8240 profile image

Hi. All your posts are reassuring to read. I have a Colonoscopy booked for Saturday. I'm so nervous about the prep, the procedure and what they may find. I have had bleeding with bowel movement for at least a year but it has got progressively worse. A year ago it was just the odd spot of blood. 6 months ago I went to GP and they did the finger test and said internal haemorrhoid. So I just put it down to that. I've also had loose stools for the last year or so. Usually twice in the morning and maybe once at night. Anyway about 2 or 3 months ago the stools were getting more loose, more urgent and more often. Regularly 5-7 times a day and more and more blood. My blood tests came back as new iron deficiency anemia and the stool samples came back clear. No inflammation and no infection. The FIT was positive but not surprised as I know I bleed. Anyway bleeding yesterday was very frightening. I went 3 times including in the night and I could feel the blood pour out of my bum. I looked into he bowl and there was a lot of red blood. It was terrifying. It happened each time I went to toilet and I was panicking i was going to lose too much blood. I called 111 and they told me to look out for more than a mugful of blood in 2 hours or throwing up. Saw GP today who said she didn't know what it was and only colonoscopy will be able to diagnose. She said its unlikely colitis as I didn't have the inflammation in stool sample. So I'm very scared. Can you lose that much blood with a haemorrhoid and lose blood for so long too?Not sure how I'm going to cope a day without eating on Friday. Although I'm starting to lose my appetite anyway with all this going on.

I've never had sedation before so also worried about that!

Digger0 profile image
Digger0 in reply to Sunshine8240

I found not eating was not a problem - you can still drink up to 2 hrs before your investigation, and I was too nervous to worry about eating. Also your diet has reduced anyway as it's low fibre for a day or so. The sedation is ok (although I opted not to have it ) and you are told before you go home what they have found. See Mistygigs post as they were very worried and now are telling people to get it done :) good luck for Saturday.

Sunshine8240 profile image
Sunshine8240 in reply to Digger0

Thanks so much for your reply:)

Digger0 profile image
Digger0 in reply to Sunshine8240

Good luck for tomorrow - you'll be "enjoying" the prep now. Let us know how you get on.

Sunshine8240 profile image
Sunshine8240 in reply to Digger0

Awe thanks for thinking of me :) gosh drinking a litre of that moviprep was so hard!! Got to wake up at 6am tomorrow to drink another litre! My bowels appear to be prepped now as its coming out almost clear. Strangely enough I don't actually feel hungry, must be all that liquid!How are you now?

Digger0 profile image
Digger0 in reply to Sunshine8240

I'm fine now. Make sure you also have the 500mls of water after the grot! You will have had the second one by now. The prep is the worst part :) Let us know how you get on.

Sunshine8240 profile image
Sunshine8240 in reply to Digger0

Thank you! On my way to the hospital now!

Sunshine8240 profile image

You prob saw in my other post, sadly I do have bowel cancer. But surgeon seemed positive it can be removed and I'm hoping it hasn't spread x

Digger0 profile image
Digger0 in reply to Sunshine8240

Sorry to hear your news, but at least your surgeon is hopeful.

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