Hi there. I am due to have a colonoscopy in a weeks time. I have been given the choice of conscious sedation or Entonox. Clearly the recovery rate is much quicker with the latter and you can drive yourself home. But can anyone advise who has had a colonoscopy or even several ! which They would recommend. Angie
Colonoscopy due : Hi there. I am due... - Colon Cancer Conn...
Colonoscopy due

Have not had a colonoscopy yet, but wishing you loads of luck.
I have had four and would have sedation, it can be quite uncomfortable. You just feel a little sleepy afterwards.

Hi Ellie - I've personally never had entonox but have had numerous colonoscopies with sedation and never had a problem, it was always a really nice nap!
If you have someone to drive you home, I would opt for the sedation.
Of course the dr. can review risks of sedation with you, there are definitely risks associated with sedation (I'm not familiar with entonox but I'm assuming there are risks with that as well?)
Forgive me I'm not sure where in the world you are, I think you said U.K.? I don't know how it works there but in the U.S. you have not only the doctor performing the colonoscopy, but you also have a doctor who is administering the anesthesia, not to mention a number of nurses assisting.
Have you picked out any movies or books you'll read while doing your prep for the colonoscopy?
Make sure you have soft toilet paper and you might like wet wipes as well (but don't flush them, even the flushable ones can clog toilets)
Keep in touch
~Nicole @ GCCA
Hello! I have had one colonoscopy and it was done without any sedation. I was able to watch on the monitor. Really was not a big deal at all. Very tolerable. Just depends on the patient. I recommend not having sedation but to each is own. As long as you get checked that is the main thing to do. You will be okay.
Thankyou for your reply. You sound very brave if you were able to watch it aswell ! Mind you I don’t know why I’m so scared as I’ve had a baby lol. But yes at the end of the day it’s about getting it done.
I'm sure it was no where near having a baby lol. You will be okay. I would recommend no sedation. You can go back to regular activities right after. If not you will be drugged up. I did not feel any discomfort at all. Also I had a sigmoidoscpy with no sedation. I have to go back to have one in 3 years and I will have no sedation. Thanks for the compliment. I just believe that God brought me through. Pray and you will be ok.

Hi Ellie12312345 - I think today is colonscopy day? Just dropping a note to say we are thinking of you... please let us know how it goes when you get a chance.
Hoping for good results!
~Nicole @ GCCA
Thankyou x it’s actually next Monday. Will let you know !
What was the result of your colonoscopy? Did you decide to do sedation?
I’ve had 2 colonoscopys and I would advise sedation. The first time I had it done I never had sedation and it was very uncomfortable
I recommend no sedation at all. You won't feel a thing. The prep is the worst part. Over thinking is also the worst part. I had a colonoscopy 5months ago. No sedation. I was able to watch on the screen and drive myself home after the procedure. It was such a breeze. When I have another one in a few years I will do the same. No sedation. Say a prayer and go ahead with the procedure. God bless 🙏
" You won't feel a thing"
It definitely isn't pain free for everyone !! It can in fact be excruciatingly painful even with sedation and pain meds.
You were lucky but you shouldn't assume everyone else will be !
Yes it was my experience. The Doctor also had great techniques. So I'm just reassuring someone that if done right most people have very little pain if any. That is why they even offer the procedure with no sedation. You can do the procedure with or without "my experience "